

    结果表明,当M(CA/Mn+) =2时(Mn+代表金属离子),在700℃煅烧前驱体2~4h即可合成La2Mo2O9晶体,其红外反射率达90%,能隙约为3.3eV、粒径在40~60nm间。尽管掺Fe3+后的红外反射性能下降(仍高于60%),但其颜色与普通白色颜料相比得到了较大改善。

    毕业论文关键词:钼酸镧  丙烯酰胺聚合凝胶法  掺杂  红外反射颜料


    Title   Synthesis and Characterization of 

    Near Infrared Reflectance Pigments with High Reflectivity                                               


    In this paper, infrared reflectance pigments La2Mo2O9 and Fe doped oxides have been prepared via a modified polyacrylamide gel route. Uv-Vis Spectrometer and XRD were used to characterize the Uv-Vis-IR reflection performance and the composition of the sample respectively. The impact of different ratio of (CA/Mn+), where Mn+ is short for metal ions, and calcination on particle size and lattice constant of the sample were studied. The color and the IR reflection properties of the oxides were also investigated. 

    Results show that while M(CA/Mn+)=2 , by soaking the precursor at 700℃ for 2~4h,pure La2Mo2O9 can be obtained. The products has a high infrared reflectivity about 90%, a wind band gap of approximately 3.3eV and small particle size of 40~60nm. Fe3+ doped complex oxides have lower infrared reflectance performance (the infrared reflectivity is still above 60%) but more colorful appearance than the ordinary white pigments.

    Keywords  Lanthanum Molybdate,  Modified Polyacrylamide Gel Route Method, Doping,  Infrared Reflectance Pigment

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  太阳辐照特点 1

    1.2  隔热降温涂料 1

    1.3  红外反射颜料 2

    1.4  稀土钼酸盐La2Mo2O9材料的研究进展 6

    2  实验部分 9

    2.1  实验原理 9

    2.2  实验试剂和仪器 9

    2.3  样品制备 10

    2.4  样品的测试、表征 11

    3  La2Mo2O9的制备工艺探讨 13

    3.1  柠檬酸量的确定 13

    3.2  烧结温度的确定 13

    3.3  煅烧时间的确定 16

    4  La2Mo2-xFexO9-δ的制备及产品的红外反射性能 18

    4.1  Fe掺杂量对结构的影响 18

    4.2  Fe掺杂量对红外反射性能的影响 19

    4.3  Fe掺杂量对颜色的影响 23

    结论 26

    致谢 27

    参考文献 28

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