


    毕业论文关键词 彩色墨粉 复合粒子 乳胶粒子 凝聚 微胶囊


    Title   The cohesion of color toner used nano latex particles  prepared by mini-emulsion polymerization

    Abstract With the development of office automation and information technology, fast output high-definition color images and text put forward higher requirements, traditional melt crushed prepared toner particle size, grain shape is irregular, resulting in deterioration in print quality. By chemical polymerization method color toner has become the main direction of the study In this paper, the fine emulsion polymerization color toner latex particle, and by cohesion technology and microencapsulation technology, the final preparation of the actual needs of the particle size of the composite printer, the color toner particle size distribution.

    Experimental study through the latex nanoparticles cohesion composite prepared micron composite particles, the nano-latex particles to agglomerate composite, particle size control and consolidation molding principle and process of the master color toner of the composite particles of the emulsion polymerization method, preparation method thereof, realizing the functions component composite coated particles and particle size stability control; understand the composite color toner particle size, morphology, Characterization method.

    It was found that: When using aluminum chloride as flocculants, system concentration 20mmol / L, stirring speed 200r/min, aging time 30min, aging temperature 95 degrees ,the cohesion results were better.

    Keywords  color toner, Composite particles,Latex particles,Cohesion,Microcapsules


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  彩色墨粉的概述 1

    1.2  彩色墨粉性能 3

    1.3  细乳液法制备彩色墨粉 4

    1.3.1  细乳液聚合法制备彩色乳胶粒子机理分析 4

    1.3.2 乳胶粒子的凝聚复合的机理分析 5

    1.4本课题研究目的以及研究内容 7

    2  彩色墨粉纳米乳胶粒子的制备 8

    2.1 实验试剂与仪器 8

    2.2 实验过程 10

    2.2.1 实验单体与引发剂的提纯 10

    2.2.2 细乳液制备及聚合过程 10

    2.2.3实验表征 11

    2.3 实验结果 11

    3 彩色墨粉纳米乳胶粒子的凝聚复合

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