

    关键词  火旋风  进风口形状  燃烧特性  最佳进风口长宽比


    Title    The research about the shape of fire inlet affect fire  whirl combustion characteristic                                                 

    Abstract Fire whirl is the phenomenon that airstream rotated by the flame burning. Fire whirl was often found in forest fires and urban building fires. The study of aspect ratio of inlet fire is vital important to research and prevent from formation of fire whirl. In this paper, we used six levels of channel side seam fire whirlwind generating device to generate fire whirl. And research the influence of inlet aspect ratio on combustion characteristics of fire by changing the aspect ratio of the inlet fire. It was found that the aspect ratio of the inlet in the fire descending process of variation, the flame temperature of fire whirl, flame height, the average wind speed at the inlet and the formation time of the fire whirl showed variation from low to high. Personal presumably due to variation caused by the inlet aspect ratio inlet height and width change on the center fire. It caused the combined effects of cyclone formation. Experimental results is that the aspect ratio of the inlet fire between 2 and 1 is the most conducive condition to the formation of fire whirl, and the formation of fire cyclone inlet aspect ratio compared to other conditions with greater stability, greater strength and flame height.

    Keywords  fire whirl  air inlet shape  combustion characteristic  best inlet aspect ratio

     目   次              

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 研究现状 1

    1.2.1 国外研究现状 1

    1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

    1.3现有研究存在问题或不足 3

    1.4本论文工作 3

    2  实验仪器和原理方法 4

    2.1实验发生装置 4

    2.2 实验测试仪器 5

    2.2.1  K型热电偶

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