

    关键词  低放稀土废渣;放射性核素;硝酸盐;回收利用

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Nitrates on the rare earth residue radionuclides precipitation of research                                                   


    Rare earth is an important mineral resources development and utilization of rare earth resources in the process will produce large amounts of waste. On the surrounding environment causing serious radioactive contamination. How safe disposal of industrial solid waste is rare major concern for environmental protection. Acid residue in the selection of this topic for the experimental samples, the use of sodium nitrate and calcium nitrate treatment. Set different concentration gradients, the time gradient of experimental variables, measure its radioactivity leaching solution studied. Different draw nitrate, different processing times and different concentrations of rare earth nitrates invasion of the liquid slag residue change curve, and the filtrate radioactivity changed. Do a good job for the next research foundation preparation.

    Keywords :Low-level rare earth slag;Radionuclides; nitrate; recycling


    1 绪论 1

    1.1本研究课题的目的及意义 1

    1.2稀土的概述 1

    1.2.1稀土(Rare Earth)的定义 1

    1.2.2稀土的分类 2

    1.2.3稀土基态原子的电子组态 2

    1.2.4稀土的应用 2

    1.3稀土元素的几种含氧盐的性质; 3

    1.3.1碳酸盐 3

    1.3.2草酸盐 3

    1.3.3硝酸盐 4

    1.3.4硫酸盐 4

    1.4稀土废渣 4

    1.4.1我国稀土废渣的现状 4

    1.4.2 稀土废渣的放射性污染 5

    1.4.3 稀土废渣的治理 6

    1.4.4建立废渣场堆放。 6

    1.4.5建立渣库存放。 7

    1.5硝酸盐对稀土渣处理 7

    2  实验仪器及实验内容 8

    2.1 实验仪器及其说明 8

    2.1.1 低本底γ能谱仪 8

    2.1.2低本底α、β测量仪 10

    2.2 低本底α、β测量仪仪器校正 11

    2.2.1  仪器校正 11

    2.3实验内容 13


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