
    摘要硝铵盐含能材料由于成本低廉,低爆轰性,燃烧是少烟或无烟,被广泛用于工业炸药的氧化剂和火箭固体推进剂,但由于其强烈的吸水性和结块性极大地限制了其在炸药和推进剂领域的应用。目前对硝酸铵进行表面改性的手段很多,本文以甲基丙烯酸甲酯为主要单体对硝酸铵进行微胶囊包覆,并对100~ 140目硝酸铵包覆工艺进行研究。考察单体占溶剂质量分数,单体占引发剂质量分数,反应时间对包覆效果的影响。结果表明,在甲基丙烯酸甲酯单体质量分数占溶剂质量分数为7.5%,引发剂偶氮异二丁腈占溶剂质量分数为1.1%,反应时间为8.5h的反应条件下对100~ 140目硝酸铵进行防吸湿包覆,包覆样在温度为35℃,相对湿度为92%下吸湿24h,包覆后的100~ 140目硝酸铵吸湿率降幅最大为16.34%。通过IR光谱表征分析,硝酸铵表面却有一定量的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯包覆。与30~200目AN包覆效果相比,由于在聚合反应过程中颗粒分散性变差,包覆效果不是十分理想。67508

    毕业论文关键词:硝酸铵    吸湿性   微胶囊    包覆   吸附


    Title        The  Preliminary  Study  on   Modification of  Ammonium  Nitrate  Energetic  Material       


        Due to its cost-effective ,low explosition and smoke, ammonium nitrate is widely used as the oxidant of explosives and the propellent of rocket . However its application is highly restricted due to its gross hydroscopicity and caking capacity. Various means have been tried by researchers , in this paper, methyl methacrylate was choosed  to modify its property through microencapsulation. It was mainly concentrated on the microencapsulation of ammonium nitrate whose mesh number is 100 to 140. Factors including the sort and concentration of monomer, concentration of initiator, reaction time on coating reactions were investigated. The experiment result indicated that the optimised polymerization condition was that the concentration of MMA 7,5% and AIBN 1.1% the reaction time 8.5h.,the hygroscopicity of the modified ammonium nitrate reduced 16.34% at 35℃,92% RH after 24h. Through Infrared Adsorption Spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscope analysis, it could be concluded the surface of ammonium nitrate was indeed microencapsulated by PMMA. However, compared with AN 30 to 200 mesh number, the result was imperfect, accuse of its bad dispersity.

    Keywords: Ammonium Nitrate  Hydroscopicity  Encapsulate  Coat


    1  引言 1

    1.1  硝酸铵简介 1

    1.1.1 硝酸铵的性质与用途 1

    1.1.2 硝酸铵的吸湿改性 1

    1.2发展历史与现状 1

    1.2.1.小分子包覆AN颗粒 1

    1.2.2其他芯材的包覆改性研究 4

    1.2.3本课题组研究进展 5

    1.3研究意义 5

    1.4 研究内容与目的 6

    2实验原理与方案设计 7

    2.1 实验原理 7

    2.1.1微胶囊包覆机理 7

    2.1.2 聚合反应的原理[23] 7

    2.1.3聚合反应动力学方程 8

    2.1.4 吸湿性测定原理

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