
    摘要:近年来,地沟油已逐渐成为人们最为关注的食品安全问题之一。由于地沟油中含有 多种对人体有害的物质,一旦流回餐桌将会对人体产生很大危害;且地沟油中会产生酸、 酫、酮等酸败物质,会对环境产生污染。因而解决地沟油所带来的相关问题,已成为相关 科研技术人员不得不面临的重要问题。其中,地沟油中水分的检测和脱除也成为了一个重 要环节。首先,地沟油中水分的检测能作为地沟油与食用油加以区分和鉴别的参考手段; 其次,更重要的是给地沟油资源化的后续加工提供必须预处理。本文针对地沟油中水分的 检测手段加以概述,并重点就地沟油的特点选择性的采用干燥法、萃取蒸馏法、卡尔费休 法对其中的水分进行了检测和分析,并对检测结果进行脱除方法的讨论和分析。67565


    Abstract: In recent years, drainage oil has gradually become one of the food safety issues of concern to most people. Due to the waste oil contains a variety of harmful substances, once flows back to the table will be on the human body has great harm; and in hogwash oil will produce acid, aldehyde and ketone rancidity substances, will cause pollution to the environment. So to solve the relevant problems caused by the drainage oil, has become an important problem related to scientific and technical personnel have to face. Among them, the detection  and removal of water drainage oil has become an important link. First, the detection of hogwash oil in water can as hogwash oil and edible oil to be distinguished from the reference means; secondly, more important is to waste oil resources of the subsequent processing to provide the necessary preprocessing. The waste oil in water detection methods are summarized, and focus on the waste oil characteristic selective by drying method, extraction and distillation method and Karl Fischer Hugh method on the detection and analysis of the moisture and on the detection results are removal methods are discussed and analyzed.

    1 地沟油的现状 3

    1.1 地沟油的基本现状 3

    2 地沟油综合利用 3

    2.1 无磷洗衣粉 4

    2.2 皂液 4

    2.3 生物柴油 5

    2.4 甘油 6

    2.5 地沟油变废物利用现状 7

    2.6 地沟油的转化途径 7

    2.7 本课题开展的意义 8

    3 地沟油中水分的测定 8

    3.1 水分测定方法 8

    3.2 萃取蒸馏法对地沟油中水分的测定 10

    3.3 实验数据与结果 16

    结论 18

    参考文献 19

    致谢 20

    1 地沟油的现状

    1.1 地沟油的基本现状

    在中国每年要消化掉几百万吨的地沟油。目前,本应该对地沟油起监督作用的测定方 法仍然存在一些欠缺,不能够完全的将“易容”后的地沟油找出来。地沟油对每一个经常 光顾餐馆的人都会造成身体健康的威胁,因为它的买卖不管是五星级饭店还是小吃铺都会 存在的。论文网

    重庆晚报曾报道,仅在一年内中国人能吃掉好几百万吨的地沟油,是植物油年消费总 量的 13%。以 2010 年末中国人口总数 13.41 亿来计算,每人每年平均消耗 2.1 公斤的地沟 油。

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