
    摘  要通过调查和查阅资料,了解了云龙湖的历史,并通过走访,了解了云龙湖的地理位置,面积,周长,进出水口等基本概况。为进一步了解云龙湖的水质状况,在云龙湖东湖布了5个采样点,采用紫外分光光度法测定硝酸盐氮含量。实验结果表明,硝酸盐氮含量最低为0.177 mg/L,最高为0.224 mg/L,水质接近Ⅰ类水质,说明徐州市政府的治理措施已经取得了阶段性的胜利,但要持续改善水质还需要科学的管理。同时对加标回收率进行测定,范围在98. 0 %~103. 0 %之间,满足实验要求。69988


    毕业论文关键词:云龙湖  硝酸盐氮  调查分析


    Investigation and Analysis of Nitrogen Content in the East Part of Yunlong Lake

    Abstract The history of Yunlong lake was known by conducting an investigation and data access, and location, area, perimeter, inlet and outlet situation were also known by visiting. In order to further understand the water quality of Yunlong Lake, 5 sampling points were set in the East Part of Yunlong Lake. The content of nitrate nitrogen are measured by ultraviolet spectrophotometry. The experimental results show that, the lowest content of nitrate nitrogen in lake water is 0.177 mg/L, and the highest is 0.224 mg/L, so water quality is close to class I, which explains that the control measures of Xuzhou municipal government has already achieved the stage of success, but it also needs scientific management to improve the quality of the water quality continuously. At the same time, the recovery rate is 98. 0 %~103. 0 %, so the results meet the experimental requirements.

    Key Words: Yunlong lake  nitrate nitrogen  investigation and analysis

    目  录






    1云龙湖背景调查 1

    2采样点的布设 3

    3实验部分 4

    3.1 仪器 4

    3.2 试剂 4

    3.3 溶液 4

    3.4 实验原理 4

    4结果与讨论 5

    4.1 标准曲线的绘制 5

    4.2 水样的测定 6

    4.3 加标回收率的测定 8

    5结论 9

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11


    图序号 图名称 页码

    图1-1 云龙湖示意图 2

    图2-1 云龙湖各个采样点位置的分布图 3

    图4-1 硝酸盐氮标准曲线图 6


    表序号 表名称 页码

    表1-1 云龙湖原面积 1

    表1-2 云龙湖现面积 1

    表1-3 云龙湖周长 1


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