    Compare and Research of Visual Attention Models based on Local Contrast
    Abstract:  With the rapid development of the information processing techniques, people want computers to process and analyze the expanding images and videos and to obtain useful information from large amounts of data fast and easily. The visual attention model detects regions of interest by detecting prominent points in an image, for it takes regions of interest, which contain potential target as the muster of points that have prominent features.In image processing tasks such as image retrieval, target detection and surveillance, it would be more convenient to focus on regions of interest detected by visual attention model than focus on the whole image. The texture coherence feature is added into the detection of primary visual features as a kind of the primary visual feature in the new model, which makes use of intensity, color, orientation and coherence information to form conspicuity maps. The conspicuity maps are combined as saliency map by a global enhancement method to guide attention and detect regions of interest.
    Keywords:  visual attention, region of interest, target detection, local contrast.
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    2
    1.3    总结:    5
    2    相关技术的介绍和分析    6
    2.1    IT方法    6
    2.2    GB方法    8
    2.3    AC方法    9
    2.4    CA方法    10
    2.5    小结    12
    3    系统设计    13
    3.1    软件介绍    13
    3.2    主界面设计    13
    3.3    AC算法界面设计    14
    3.4    GB算法界面设计    17
    3.5    CA算法界面设计    17
    3.6    IT算法界面设计    18
    3.7    性能比较    19
    致谢    22
    参考文献    23
    1    绪论
    1.1    课题的目的和意义
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