
    This paper analyzes the generation processes of wastewater, the major contaminants and their major sources in beer production. It also introduces the primary biological processing techniques of aerobic and anaerobic treatment. According to the product scale of beer brewery, the main standard of draining water\natural materials, and so on, the main process technology of the beer waste water disposal station is defined as UASB + CASS .Practice of project indicate, when COD of wastewater reduces from 2400mg/l to 80mg/l, BOD reduces from 1200mg/l to 20mg/l, SS reduces from 400mg/l to 70mg/l, so that drains out can reaches the Standard.
    The technological process of this design is:
    Beer waste water → Screens → Collecting tank → The sewage lift pump house → Regulates tank → Reaction tank of UASB →  Tank of CASS → Treatment water
    This technology of wastewater treatment has many traits. Such as, well-knit structure, pithy quick control, lasting attacked, less sledge capacity. Practice indicates that the composed craft has reliable function, its investment is little, and its running and management is uncomplicated.
    In accordance with the established process, the design selects the process parameters of structures (including the grating, balance tank,Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket , Cyclic Activated Sludge System and sludge thickening tank) and calculates the main size, the hydraulic loss, and finished of Introduction of  Design Process, Process Flow Diagram, Factory Layout and Main Monomer Structure Map.
    CASS process (circulation of activated sludge) is of SBR method improvement. The process is simple, cover an area of an area small, investment is lower; Organic material removal rate is high, the water quality is good, have denitrification and phosphorus function, reliable operation, is not easy to happen sludge expansion, the operating cost is province.
    Beer wastewater after removing impurities in big grille to set pool, with sewage pump will waste water up to regulation ponds, and then into the water quality in the pool of water regulation of the regulation. Into the regulation ponds before, according to online PH plan PH value with metering pump will soda acid into regulation ponds, regulation ponds PH value was between 6.5 and 7.5. Adjust the pool of water pump out with continuous into UASB reactors anaerobic digestion, reduce the concentration of organic matter. Anaerobic treatment process to be collected biogas generated from the biogas ark. The sewage into within reactor UASB CASS pool for good oxygen treatment, and then to mark out of the water. UASB reactor, CASS reaction from the pool surplus sludge to collect mud collecting well first, by sludge pump in ascension to ascend to the sludge concentration is concentrated in the pool, concentrated into sludge dewatering machine room, further reduce the moisture content of the sludge, and realize the sludge reduction. After the sludge dewatering form mud cake, loading Sinotrans disposal.
    The design is technically feasible and economically reasonable results.As well-knit structure, the civil engineering costs less, while operation and management of the process simple, high degree of automation reduces the cost of operation and management, so the whole process has total investment of less stable , less secondary pollution , good effect , energy consumption etc. and to ensure that wastewater discharge standards. The project cost6.05million yuan, invest-ment, operating costs 1.56 million yuan / year. Equivalent to the sewage treatment costs 1.07 yuan / m3.
    Key words:  beer waste water;UASB(Up flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanke);CASS (Cyclic Activated Sludge System);
    目 录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  设计任务    1
    1.2  原始数据和设计技术要求    1
    1.2.1  原始条件    1
    1.2.2  设计原水水质指标    1
    1.2.3  设计出水水质指标    1
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