
    Plate mill is the main rolling mill industry, and ownership of its equipment level is the level of a country's iron and steel industry an important symbol. Therefore, the thick steel plate is essential for national economic development, steel varieties, countries attach great importance to plate production.
    Offshore platforms for the development of human resources in the important large marine welded steel, supporting hundreds of tons of the total mass exceeding various devices. These characteristics determine the use of offshore platform steel plate must have high strength, high toughness, fatigue resistance, lamellar tearing, good weldability, corrosion resistance to seawater and good cold resistance and other properties. This is to ensure the safety of operating personnel to improve the life of offshore platforms and development of marine resources is important. China's neighboring countries, exploitation of marine resources given high priority. Given our current strategic reserves on the urgent need for energy, research and development with independent intellectual property rights of high strength, high toughness, corrosion resistance of certain offshore platform steel plate, on improving the country's energy system, make full use of our marine resources, to achieve national energy strategy has important significance. States on the development of steel for offshore platforms very seriously.
    With oil resources shortage and rising oil prices, is becoming increasingly important marine resource development, offshore platform steel demand and performance requirements are increasing. Describes the classification of steel for offshore platforms, use and production status, pointed out the development trend of steel for offshore platforms. Increasing demands of its strength, has 355 M Pa and 420 M Pa to 500 M Pa, thickness specification is also rising, low-temperature toughness to the F-class development, but also pay more attention to offshore platform steel corrosion resistance.
    This paper discusses the development trends and plate products plate rolling technology development status, including equipment, technologies and ideas and so on. And in accordance with the existing domestic and plate production line to determine the production of varieties of this design, process, developed product solutions and production processes, the main parameters determining the mill and auxiliary equipment. The workshops were part of the pressure system rolling, speed, system, temperature regime, calculated mill rolling force, torque and check the roll, the main motor, and both meet the design requirements. Finally, the workshop layout, determine the spacing of the equipment, the production flow lines and facilities in an area of computing, designed economic and technical indicators, environmental protection and comprehensive utilization.
    In the design process, to fully appreciate the importance of rationalization of production, on the development of an enterprise, increase productivity and improve yield not only the Crusaders in this industry have a better development, you can also make their products exported to foreign countries, increasing their market.
    Key words:    plate;Rolling schedule;The design of Workshop
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1中厚板轧机的发展史    1
    1.2中厚板轧制技术的发展现状    2
    1.3中厚板产品的发展趋势    3
    1.3.1  油气输送管线钢    3
    1.3.2  石油储备库用钢    3
    1.4海洋平台用钢概况    4
    1.4.1  海洋平台用钢性能要求    4
    1.4.2海洋平台用钢使用及生产现状    4
    1.4.3  海洋平台用钢的发展趋势    5
    2 产品生产方案的制定    7
    2.1 产品方案内容    7
    2.2 编制产品方案时的原则    7
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