     Chinese literacy teaching method research
        Abstract: Chinese characters are used to record the han national language tools, it recorded not only the Chinese, is also the culture of the han nationality. This is because the unique features and expression form of Chinese characters which it directly or indirectly to the records of the han nationality culture. In this sense, the Chinese characters is the material carrier of the han nationality culture. The importance of the importance of the teaching of Chinese characters from Chinese to Chinese. Very close relationship between Chinese characters and Chinese and Chinese characters meaning the characteristics affect the composition of word meaning, Chinese characters are pictographic sexual characteristics affect the understanding of word meaning. Therefore, to learn Chinese characters for Chinese learning and inheriting han culture is of great significance. In Chinese teaching, Chinese learning is the key, is also the difficulty. Literacy teaching question, has been the attention of many people. How to improve the efficiency of students learning Chinese characters, and make them learn by Chinese characters learn Chinese, this is an important issue worthy of study in Chinese teaching. Scientific literacy method, can make boring Chinese characters teaching becomes rich and interesting, the literacy teaching get twice the result with half the effort. Said wen jie zi "in the" Chinese characters "comprehensive rules, shows the Chinese characters are important materials for study of Chinese and Chinese characters, this paper discusses the characteristics of" Chinese characters form, to seek appropriate language literacy methods.
    Keywords: Chinese characters; Literacy teaching
    目  录
    摘  要1
     二、751书与识字教学2      (一)象形与识字教学 2
    (二)指事与识字教学 4
    (三) 形声与识字教学6(四)会意与识字教学 7
     结语9                     参考文献10
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