
    摘 要:近年来,随着教育多媒体条件的逐步成熟,交互式电子白板作为新兴的多媒体教学设备以其强大的交互功能在教学领域中广泛运用。交互式电子白板走进课堂,是课堂教学的又一次变革,推动了信息化教育的步伐,将新兴的技术与传统教学相融合,是科学技术研究成果在教育教学中的应用。但目前交互式电子白板在中小学中的教学应用还不够广泛,许多教师还不能很好的将电子白板应用到各门学科的日常教学中来。因此,对于交互式电子白板的课堂教学应用的研究是非常迫切的。本文将通过比较分析目前交互式电子白板的课堂教学应用实例,指出交互式电子白板在课堂教学应用中的优势与缺陷,为其更好的改进和发展提供可行性建议。66554


    Abstract: In recent years, along with the development of multimedia condition interactive electronic whiteboard has been used widely as emerging multimedia teaching equipment with its powerful interactive function. Interactive electronic whiteboard is another revolution of classroom teaching, which promotes the informatization of education, the emerging technology and the integration of traditional teaching. It is the application of the research achievements of science and technology in the education teaching. However, the interactive electronic whiteboard teaching is not been used widely in primary and secondary schools. Besides, many teachers can’t use mue in daily teaching of different subjects. Therefore, it is urgent to research interaltive electronic whiteboard in class teaching. This article compare with the examples of interactive electronic whiteboard classroom teaching points out that the advantages and disadvantages of interactive electronic whiteboard in the classroom teaching. And it also provides feasible suggestions for its improvement and development. 

    Keywords: interactive,Electronic whiteboard,the classroom teaching 

    目  录

    1  前言 4

    2  交互式电子白板概述 4

    2.1  交互式电子白板的概念 4

    2.2  交互式电子白板的发展 5

    2.3  交互式电子白板环境的构成 5

    3  交互式电子白板在课堂教学应用中的现状 6

    3.1  交互式电子白板在教学中的突出优势 6

    3.2  交互式电子白板在教学过程中存在的不足 7

    3.3  研究队伍的匮乏,重视不足 7

    4  交互式电子白板的功能 8

    4.1  具有传统黑板的功能 8

    4.2  具备“计算机+投影仪”的多媒体教室功能 8

    4.3  交互式电子白板的特殊功能 9

    4.4  交互式电子白板的应用领域 11

    5  交互式电子白板在课堂教学中的应用研究 11

    5.1  对白板课例的课堂教学实录分析 11

    5.2  研究启示 14

    结  论 15

    参 考 文 献 16

    致  谢

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