
    摘 要:信息社会中知识与信息量快速增加,学生需要能够利用现代信息技术进行高效的学习,高质量的获取各种知识和不同的技能。是否能够养成信息技术环境下终身学习的习惯,还在于学生是否可以主动、自主地进行学习。学生需要在不依赖教师的情况下,具有自主学习能力,拥有有效的认知策略,能够不断的调控学习过程,从而在信息技术环境下,不断获得新的知识与信息。本文主要站在理论与实践相结合的层面上,从自主学习能力的涵义出发,来分析如何在信息技术环境下培养学习者的自主学习能力,论述信息技术环境下学生自主学习能力培养的一般模式和策略。66555


    Abstract: In information society, knowledge and rapidly increasing amount of information, update speed are also increasing. To establish themselves in such a rapid development of information society, it needs to be able to use modern information technology for efficient learning, get all kinds of knowledge and high quality of different skills. Whether can develop the habit of lifelong learn the use of information technology environment, also is whether the students can be active, independent study. Students need in does not rely on the teacher's case, has the ability of independent learning, with effective cognitive strategies, can continuously control the learning process, which is itself under the information technology environment, acquire new knowledge and information. From this perspective, the inpidual to sustainable development in the information society, needs to have the ability of autonomous learning. This article mainly is standing on the combination of theory and practice level, to analyze how the information technology environment to cultivate learners' autonomous learning ability. This paper, starting from the connotation of autonomous learning ability, general mode andstrategy of cultivating students' autonomous learning ability is discussed under the environment of information technology.

    Keywords: Information technology environment,  Autonomous learning ability, Cultivation

    目  录

    1 引言 4

    2 相关概述综述 4

    2.1 自主学习的涵义 4

    2.2 信息技术环境下的自主学习能力 5

    2.3自主学习能力的本质特征 5

    2.4 信息技术环境下自主学习能力的构成 5

    3 信息技术环境下自主学习能力培养的必要性 7

    3.1 基础教育课程改革 7

    3.2 中学生认知和思维发展的特点 7

    4 信息技术对学生自主学习能力的支持 7

    4.1 环境支持 7

    4.2 工具支持 8

    4.3 资源支持 8

    5 信息技术环境下自主学习能力培养的一般模式 8

    5.1 演示型教学模式 8

    5.2 自主型教学模式 8

    5.3 监控学习过程实施多元评价 9

    6 信息技术环境下自主学习能力培养的教学策略 9

    6.1 设置有效目标 10

    6.2 教会学生学会学习 10

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