    [毕业论文关键词] 创业意向;社会网络;自信;中介作用
    The social network effect of College students on entrepreneurial intention: the mediating effect of self-confidence
    Abstract: Along with our country higher education popularization, the scale of college graduates is increasing, the competition of obtaining employment is becoming increasingly fierce, the research on entrepreneurial intention to become a focal point, the graduates employment problem has become serious and outstanding, therefore, research on entrepreneurial intention gradually become the focus. To explore the relationship between social network and entrepreneurial intention, and also the mediating effects of self-confidence, about 400 college students were assessed by Social Network Questionnaire, Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire, Self-confidence Questionnaire,. The results indicated that: (1) College students' entrepreneurial intention exists significant difference in gender; Social networks is significant different in sex, whether serving as student leaders and family members doing business or not; there is significant difference in confidence on whether serving as student leaders.(2) College students' entrepreneurial intention, social network and confident there is significantly positive correlation with each other; (3) self-confidence partly mediated the relationship between social network and entrepreneurial intention. That is, social network not only had a direct influence on college students' entrepreneurial intention,but also promoted school well-being indirectly by increasing self-confidence. Above conclusions deepen the understanding for the three relationship of the entrepreneurial intention, social network and self-confidence, reveals the impact mechanism of social network and self-confidence and entrepreneurial intention, provides an important theoretical reference for college cultivating students’ entrepreneurial intention, therefore, this study has important theoretical and practical significance.
    Key words: Entrepreneurial intention;Social network; Self-confidence; Mediating effect
    1前言    1
    1.1 创业意向的概念    1
    1.2创业意向的文度    2
    1.2.1 Phillip H. Phan 的创业意向模型    2
    1.2.2  范巍、王重鸣的创业倾向模型    3
    1.3创业意向的测量    3
    1.3.1 Chen, Greene 和Crick (1998) 5 项目量表    3
    1.3.2 大学生创业意识问卷    3
    1.3.3 创业意向调查问卷    4
    1.4创业意向的影响因素    4
    1.4.1个体变量与创业意向    4
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