    The Investigation of Status and the Study of Suggestion about Job Burnout of Primary School Teachers Who is Young and Middle-aged.
    Abstract:In recent years, with the great change of social development and increasing talent competition and the great reform in basic education, the occupation pressure of primary teacher  grows with each passing day. There is plenty of research showing that the teacher has become one of the high- risk group who easily troubled in job burnout. But once the occupation burnout happens to teachers, not only bad for their own physical and mental health, but will also affect the development of students. In the end, result in a decline in the quality of compulsory education. Therefore, on the basis of the existing research, I research on the status of a county primary school teachers’ occupation burnout through the questionnaire survey and then   analyze the research result. The last, put forward advises to solve the job burnout, including social support, school’ attention and self control of teacher and so on. I sincerely hope that I could support to improve the present status of job burnout of teachers.
    Keywords: Primary school teacher; Job burnout; Advice
    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、职业倦怠的概念表述    2
    (一)职业倦怠    2
    (二)教师职业倦怠    3
    二、调查设计及数据分析    4
    (一)调查    4
    (二)结果展示    4
    三、xx小学中青年教师职业倦怠归因分析    5
    (一)社会因素    6
    (二)学校因素    7
    (三)个人 因素    8
    四、xx小学中青年教师职业倦怠的缓解策略    8
    (一)教师积极的自我调试    8
    (二)加强社会的关注,建立社会支持网络    9
    (三)学校的支持,努力为教师创设良好的工作环境    9
    参考文献    10
    附录    11
    致谢    13
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