     [摘要] 欺负行为作为一种消极的社会行为,一直以来普遍存在于中小学校园中。本研究通过以徐州市铜山实验小学为例,通过采用修订版的Smith欺负行为调查问卷和同伴关系量表对该校四、五、751年级共328份有效问卷进行数据分析,以调查该校关于欺负行为的普遍现状和基本特点,以及研究欺负行为与同伴关系不良之间的相关。结果发现:不同欺负身份的学生在性别、成绩、家庭经济情况方面存在显著差异,在年级方面没有表现出显著差异;同伴关系在性别方面表现出显著差异,在年级方面没有表现出差异;不同欺负身份学生在同伴关系不良方面表现出显著差异,其中双重涉及者同伴关系最糟糕,无关者同伴关系最良好。36548
    [毕业论文关键词]  欺负行为;小学生;同伴关系
    The Research on Bulling and Its Survey with Peer Relationship among High Grade Students in Primary School
    -- Taking Xuzhou Tongshan Primary School for an Example
    [Abstract] Bullying as a negative social behavior, has been prevalent in primary and secondary schools. In this study, taking Xuzhou Tongshan Primary School for an example, by using the revised version of the Smith questionnaire and peer bullying scale of the school, valid data in questionnaires from 328 students was analyzed to survey the general characteristics and general situation about bullying in this school and research the relationship between bulling and peer relationship. The results show that: students of different bullying identities have significant differences in gender, grade, family economic situation, there is no significant difference in grades; peer relationship shows significant differences in terms of gender, there is no difference in the grades of different identity; the study shows that students of different bullying identities have significant differences in poor peer relationship, students who involve the double identities have the worst peer relationship, student who do not involve the bulling have the best peer relationship.
    [Key words] Bullying Behavior; Primary School Student; Peer Relationship
    摘要……………………… 1
    一、引言    1
    二、关于欺负行为的文献综述    2
    (一)欺负行为的界定和类型    2
    (二)欺负行为的测定方法    3
    (三)欺负行为的特点研究    3
    (四)欺负行为相关研究    4
    (五)欺负行为的干预研究    4
    (751)欺负行为与同伴关系的有关研究    5
    三、研究方法    5
    (一)研究对象    5
    (二)研究工具    6
    (三)施测程序    6
    (四)数据分析    6
    四、研究结果    6
    (一)小学高年级学生欺负行为的特点研究    7
    1.不同欺负身份学生的性别差异    7
    2.不同欺负身份学生的年级差异    7
    3.不同欺负身份学生的成绩差异    8
    4.不同欺负身份学生的家庭经济情况差异    8
    5.关于小学高年级学生欺负行为的其他情况    9
    (二)小学高年级学生同伴关系的研究    9
    1.同伴关系的性别差异检验    9
    2.同伴关系的年级差异检验    9
    (三)小学高年级不同欺负身份学生同伴关系的研究    10
    五、讨论与分析    10
    (一)小学高年级学生欺负行为的特点    10
    1.欺负行为的普遍性    10
    2.欺负行为的性别和年级差异    11
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