


    The Influence of Positive Emotion and Time Restriction on College Students' Moral Judgment 

    Abstract: The development With the progress of society, research on morality has attracted more and more attention. This paper aims to study the positive emotion and the time limit on the college students' moral judgment, to explore the relationship between the three. Methods: the study used a 2 * 2 between subjects design with positive emotions, the time limit for the independent variables, moral judgment task selection as the dependent variable, the humorous materials induced by positive emotions, explore the influence of positive emotion and time limit of moral judgment. Experimental results show that: (1) there is no positive emotion in moral judgment task difference, positive emotion group was more likely to make moral judgments; (2) there is no time in the limit of moral judgment task difference, time limited subjects tend to make judgments on the results; (3) the positive emotion and the difference in the time limit and others related moral tasks significantly, And the difference is not significant in the self related tasks.

    Keywords: Positive emotion; Time limit; Moral judgment

    目  录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    引言 2

    1研究方法 3

    1.1被试 3

    1.2实验材料 3

    1.3实验设计 4

    1.4实验程序 4

    1.5数据处理 5

    2研究结果 5

    2.1积极情绪对道德判断的影响 5

    2.2时间限制对道德判断的影响 5

    2.3积极情绪和时间限制对道德判断的影响 5

    3讨论与分析 6

    3.1积极情绪对道德判断的影响 6

    3.1时间限制对道德判断的影响 6

    3.1积极情绪和时间限制对道德判断的影响 7

    4结论 7

    参考文献 8

    附录 9

    致谢 10



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