摘要:目的:了解学生躯体、心理亚健康以及社会适应方面的主要症状,为大学生亚健康的预防及干预提供科学的依据。方法:运用青少年亚健康多维评定问卷(MSQA)作为调查工具,选取师范在校学生276名作为调查对象,进行问卷调查。结果:调查结果显示,躯体亚健康(t=3.055,p=0.002<0.05)与身心亚健康(t=2.215,p=0.028<0.05)在性别上有显著差异,在躯体亚健康方面没有显著差异。身心亚健康在年级之间存在显著差异( t=3.189,p=0.024<0.05),躯体和心理亚健康症状在专业、年级、区域之间没有显著差异,身心亚健康在专业方面也没有存在显著差异。43747
Investigation on the Sub Health Status of College Students
Abstract: Objective: to understand the students physical and psychological sub health and social adaptation of the main symptoms, prevention and intervention of college students sub health to provide scientific basis. Methods using the Multidimensional Sub-health Questionnaire of Adolescent(MSQA) as an investigative tool, select Zhoukou Normal University in school 276 as the research object, carries on the questionnaire survey. Results Survey results show that physical sub-health with physical(t=3.055,p=0.002<0.05)and mental sub health ( t=2.215,p=0.028<0.05) in gender has significant differences, in terms of physical sub-health without significant difference. Physical and mental sub-health between grade exist significant differences ( t=3.189,p=0.024<0.05 ), somatic and psychological symptoms of sub-health in professional, grade, area between no significant difference, sub-health in professional does not exist significant differences.
Keywords: Sub health; College students; Survey
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
引言 1
1研究设计 3
1.1研究对象 3
1.2调查方法 3
1.3数据的处理和录入、统计分析 4
2调查结果 4
2.1大学生亚健康现状 4
2.2亚健康状况在性别间的差异 5
2.3亚健康状况在地域间的差异 5
2.4亚健康状况在年级间的差异 6
2.5亚健康状况在专业间的差异 7
3讨论与分析 7
3.1大学生亚健康现状的分析 7
3.2大学生亚健康的主要表现以及如何正确引导 10
4结论 10
参考文献 11
附录 12
致谢 17
亚健康(sub-health status)这一概念最早是由前苏联学者N·布赫曼教授,于二十世纪八十年代提出的,它是指机体没有明显的疾病,却又呈现出来活力下降,是适应力不同程度减退的一种生理状态,它是人体在健康与疾病状态之外存在的,介于两种状态之间的第三种状态,也被称之为潜病状态、病前状态、亚临床状态和灰色状态等[1],它是一种动态的、变化的、短暂阶段,既可向健康状态转归,也会转向疾病的一种状态。