

    Ideological and moral lesson in junior middle school plays an important role on the formation of students’ ideology and morality, but now the study interest situation of ideological and moral lesson is not optimistic. This paper takes the junior middle school students as the research object, from the perspective of ideological and political education hominology, through questionnaire survey, personal interviews and other methods, founds that the junior middle school students’ study interest of ideological and moral lesson is heading downwards, in contrast, 9th grade students’ interest is the lowest, at the same time the problem such as the lack of learning initiative spirit, don’t want to study are general.On the basis of investigation, this paper carries on the analysis of attribution, and puts forward relevant strategies, to provide reference for improving the junior middle school students interest in learning ideological and moral lesson.

    毕业论文关键词:思想政治教育; 人学; 初中思想品德课;学习兴趣

     Keyword: ideological and political education; hominology; ideological and moral lesson in junior middle school ; study interest

    目    录

    一、绪论 4

    (一)选题缘由及研究意义 4

    1、选题缘由 4

    2、研究意义 4

    (二)本课题研究现状综述 4

    1、核心概念界定 4

    2、国内外研究现状 5

    (三)本课题研究的主要内容和方法 6

    1、本课题研究的主要内容 6

    2、本课题研究的主要方法 7

    二、初中生思想品德课学习兴趣的现状调查与问题分析 7

    (一)调查的基本情况 7

    (二)调查数据分析 7

    (三)调查结论 10

    三、初中生对思想品德课缺乏学习兴趣的原因分析 10

    (一)教师忽视学生的个性与需要,教学缺乏针对性 11

    (二)学生对思想品德课缺乏认同感,主动性学习精神缺失 13

    (三)思想品德课的教学侧重知识目标的实现,教学内容脱离实践 13

    (四)思想品德课在现代教育体系中处于劣势地位,不获重视 14

    四、培养初中生思想品德课认同感及学习兴趣的策略 14

    (一)教师应该从人的本质出发去了解学生,增强教学兴趣,发挥教育机智 14


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