ABSTRACT:The demonstration experiment is the main components of the junior high school science teaching. In actual teaching, demonstration experiment is an important means to help students obtain the intuitive perceptions knowledge and one of the promotion of effective classroom teaching. By collecting, analyzing relevant documents, the paper combs the concept and ideas of demonstration experiment, Followed by the introduction of its current solved problem, the paper puts forward the teaching strategies and methods to solve thses problems in classroom, in order to make demonstration experiment in science teaching of junior middle school to be widely used, effective and provide a useful theoretical basis.
毕业论文关键词: 演示实验;地位研究; 初中科学; 教学现状; 教学策略
Keyword: demonstration experiment; research of status; science teaching of junior middle school; teaching situation; teaching strategies
1.演示实验概述 4
1.1演示实验概念 4
1.2演示实验作用 4
1.3演示实验分类 4
1.4国外演示实验现状 4
1.4.1美国的演示演示教学现状 4
1.4.2日本的演示实验教学现状 5
1.4.3德国的演示实验教学现状 5
1.5国内演示实验教学现状 5
2.演示实验的教学地位 6
2.1演示实验是初中科学教学不可或缺的组成成分 6
2.2在初中科学教学中,演示实验具有独特的重要地位 7
3.演示实验教学的现实问题 7
3.1主题不明确,实验科学性不够 7
3.2效果不明显,学生参与性不高 8
3.3应用少创新,实验可视性不足 8
4演示实验策略 8
4.1充分准备,提高实验科学性 8
4.2基于学情,增强实验参与性 9
4.3结合技术,促进实验可视性 9
5.结论 10