

    In current junior middle school, in thescience textbook, or in the classroom, or in club activities, the low temperature physical experiment and practical operationare rarely involved.Some of the students get the knowledge for low temperature experiment phenomenon from the teacher or the video, or on the books, not in the real classroom.Therefore the development of low temperature physical experiment in the junior middle school science classroom is necessary. There are some experiments, such as the change of resistance at low temperature, the heat bilges cold shrink of the object.Liquid nitrogen can provide anenoughlow temperature environment to make the low temperature physics demonstration experiment. Through these low temperature experiments,we can not only improve the students scientific knowledge, but also can training the students' practical ability.

    毕业论文关键词:液氮;低温物理; 中学科学

    Keyword:Liquid nitrogen;Low temperature physics;middle schoolExperiments


    1.研究背景 - 5 -

    1.1低温物理介绍 - 5 -

    1.2初中阶段低温物理实验现状分析 - 5 -

    1.3初中阶段低温物理演示实验开发的意义 - 5 -

    2.液氮的介绍 - 6 -

    2.1液氮 - 6 -

    2.2液氮的安全使用 - 6 -

    2.3液氮的存放与取用 - 6 -

    2.4液氮罐的使用以及注意问题 - 6 -

    3.马德堡实验在低温情况下的实验 - 8 -

    3.1实验设计介绍 - 8 -

    3.1.1传统马德堡半球实验介绍 - 8 -

    3.1.2马德堡半球实验在液氮温区下的演示实验设计 - 8 -

    3.2实验材料以及实验装置介绍 - 8 -

    3.3实验操作以及结果分析 - 9 -

    3.3.1传统马德堡半球的实验 - 9 -

    3.3.2液氮温区下的马德堡半球的实验 - 10 -

    3.4低温马德堡实验的优势与启示 - 11 -

    3.5马德堡半球实验在生活中的实际应用 - 11 -

    4.花,树叶在液氮中的观察 - 12 -

    4.1实验设计介绍 - 12 -

    4.2实验材料 - 12 -

    4.3显微镜的介绍 - 12 -

    4.4实验操作以及结果分析 - 13 -


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