

    Abstract Junior Science is a discipline based on experiments in the new curriculum standards for middle school science class experiment also put forward higher requirements. In recent years, the proportion of the test questions in exams is gradually increased, showing that the experiment in junior high school science teaching position is gradually improving. Junior high school science classroom experiment demonstration experiment is an important part of teaching; teachers can use to achieve their demonstration experiment teaching purposes, classroom demonstration experiment so popular now in junior high school science classroom. This paper will explore the major research and demonstration experiments and theoretical relevance of teaching science in junior high school classroom, combined with relevant teaching theory and practical case studies classroom demonstration experiment in the theory of knowledge on the importance of promoting student learning. I looked at a lot of, a lot of research related to the actual teaching cases during the study. This study describes the important role of science demonstration experiments in science teaching; educational psychology from the perspective of the demonstration experiment educational function, combined with practical examples described demonstration experiment teaching function. Finally, in order to improve teaching demonstration experiment was further thinking and made some of his own advice.

    毕业论文关键词:科学教学; 演示实验; 教学理论

    Key words: Science teaching ;demonstration experiment;teaching theory

    目    录

    摘  要 2

    1 引言 4

    1.1论文研究背景及现状 4

    1.2论文研究意义 4

    1.3论文的研究目标及研究方法 4

    2 科学演示实验理论概述 5

    2.1初中科学课堂演示实验 5

    2.2科学演示实验在科学教学中的重要作用 5

    2.2.1由课堂演示实验导入新课 5

    2.2.2 引起学生的兴趣,启发学生的思考 5

    2.2.3给学生实验操作起到示范作用 6

    3 科学演示实验的教育心理学理论基础 7

    3.1建构主义理论 7

    3.2 情景学习理论 7

    3.3 戴尔经验之塔理论 7

    4 科学演示实验的教学功能 9

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