
    摘 要:交通运输业作为我国国民经济的重要基础性和先导性产业,是经济发展的重要标志。作为最广泛最基本的交通运输方式,陆路运输是整个运输系统的重要组成部分,是综合交通运输的基础。本文通过波特的竞争优势理论,结合IMD(瑞士洛桑国际管理学院)的竞争力评价标准,从生产要素、需求要素、相关及支持产业、政府行为层面构建陆路运输竞争力的指标体系。通过近8年公路与铁路运输的统计数据,对江苏省、浙江省和上海市的陆路运输竞争力水平进行测评,对竞争力进行比较分析,了解江苏省、浙江省和上海市陆路运输的发展情况,提出将陆路运输与现代化物流相融合、加强城乡一体化、构建便捷的陆路运输体系和发挥道路运输的比较优势等政策建议以更好的促进陆路运输的发展。56140


    Abstract: Transportation industry, as the fundamental and original industry of national economy, is an important symbol of economic development. As the most extensive and basic mode of transport, road transport is an important part of the whole transportation system and the basis of the comprehensive transportation. With the competitive advantage theory of Potter and the evaluation standard about competitiveness of IMD, this article constructs the index system of road transport competitiveness including production, demand, relative supporting industries and government factor. Through sorting out recent 8 years’statistics about railway and highway transportation, this paper evaluates Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai for road transport competitiveness level in order to make a comprehensive understanding of the development conditions of road transport in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. Finally this paper puts forward policies and suggestions including combining road transport with modern logistics, strengthening the integration of urban and rural areas, building a convenient road transport system and playing the comparative advantage of road transport to better promote the development of road transport.

    Keywords: Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Land Transportation, Competitiveness 

    目   录

    1 引言 3

    2 文献综述 3

    3 问题的提出 4

    4 评价指标构建与研究方法分析 5

    4.1评价指标构建 5

    4.2比较对象的选取 5

    4.3数据采集 5

    4.4评价模型 6

    5 陆路运输业竞争力比较与分析 8

    5.1综合比较与评析 8

    5.2 要素比较与评析 10

    6相关建议 11

    6.1将陆路运输与现代化物流相融合 11

    6.2加强城乡一体化 12

    6.3构建便捷的陆路运输体系 12

    6.4发挥道路运输的比较优势 12

    结论 14

    参考文献 15

    致谢 16

    1 引言


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