
    摘要:为了解欠发达地区农村的中学生的心理健康状况,采用《中国中学生心理健康量表》对 400名中学生进行调查研究,结果显示:当今的欠发达地区农村中学生的心理健康的水平总体较好,但存在情绪不平衡、人际关系紧张、焦虑、学习压力,强迫的问题;初中男生在适应不良、情绪不平衡、心理不平衡、焦虑、学习压力以及心理健康总分的得分方面显著高于初中女生;独生子女初中生在适应不良、情绪不平衡、心理不平衡、焦虑、学习压力以及心理健康总分的得分显著高于非独生子女初中生;初一的适应不良水平、情绪不平衡和心理不平衡水平显著高于初二和初三;初三学生的焦虑和学习压力水平显著高于初一和初二学生。48400


    Investigation on the Mental Health of Rural Middle School Students in less Developed Areas

    Abstract:. In order to understand the less developed areas of rural mental health of middle school students, the "Chinese Mental Health Scale" for 400 middle school students conduct research, the results show: today's less developed areas of rural mental health of middle school students generally good level, but the presence of emotional imbalance, interpersonal stress, anxiety, academic pressure, forcing the issue; junior high school boys maladjustment, emotional imbalance, mental imbalance, anxiety, learning scoring pressure and mental health scores were significantly higher than junior high school girls; junior high school students only child maladjustment, emotional imbalance, mental imbalance, anxiety, stress and mental health scores learning scores were significantly higher than non-only child in junior high school; poor level started to adapt, emotional imbalance and psychological imbalance significantly higher than the first two days and three days; middle school students learning anxiety and stress levels were significantly higher than the first day and the second year students

    Keywords: mental health; underdeveloped districts; middle school students;

    目 录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    1研究方法 2

    1.1 研究对象 2

    1.2 研究工具 3

    1.3 施测程序 3

    1.4 数据处理 3

    2 研究结果 3

    2.1欠发达地区农村中学生的心理健康水平总体状况 3

    2.2欠发达地区不同性别的中学生的心理健康水平差异检验 4

    2.3 欠发达地区农村中学生的心理健康水平在是否是独生子女上的差异检验 5

    2.4不同年级的欠发达地区中学生的心理健康水平差异检验 6

    3讨论与分析 7

    3.1欠发达地区农村中学生心理健康总体较好 7

    3.2欠发达地区农村初中男生心理健康水平低于女生 7

    3.3欠发达地区农村独生子女初中生心理健康水平低于非独生子女 7

    3.4欠发达地区农村不同年级的初中生心理健康水平存在差异 8

    4 结论 8

    参考文献 10

    附录 11

    致谢 13

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