


    Problems and Countermeasures of the training of young teachers in universities in Zhenjiang


    In recent years, with the talent strategy’s putting forward, national training for teachers in colleges and universities is getting more attention, because the training of teachers in colleges is very important for personnel training. However, in view of the overall situation in the present, teacher training of colleges of Zhenjiang did not achieve perfection, there are a lot of problems. On the basis of common problems in teachers training colleges and universities, it puts forward some measures to solve the problem. According to the survey results and the data analysis, training of teachers in Colleges and universities mainly exist in the support of the government, training system, training patterns and forms and teachers’attitudes. Refere to the study on the above aspects and combined with the relevant experience of foreign countries, this paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, mainly to improve the balance of government support, improve the training system, improve the incentive mechanism, timely get access to training feedback and so on.

    Key words: college teacher training; problem; countermeasure


    1绪论 1

    1.1研究背景与意义 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 1

    1.3研究方法 3

    2镇江市高校中青年教师培训概况 3

    2.1镇江市高校中青年教师培训的主要方式 3

    2.2镇江市高校中青年教师培训的特点 4

    2.3镇江市高校中青年教师对培训的满意度 5

    3镇江市高校中青年教师培训中存在的问题 8

    3.1政府对培训的投入扩大了各高校之间的差距 8

    3.2 镇江市高校中青年教师培训缺乏完善的体系 9

    3.3镇江市高校中青年教师培训模式单一,缺乏创新 9

    3.4镇江市高校中青年教师培训形式化 10

    3.5镇江市高校中青年教师在培训中参与积极性不高 10

    3.6镇江市高校中青年教师培训未及时进行评估 11

    4提高镇江市高校中青年教师培训效果的对策分析 11

    4.1江苏省政府对培训的支持应该均衡 11

    4.2镇江市高校需要完善培训的体系 12

    4.3镇江市高校应使培训活动多样化 12


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