


    Abstract:The development of online education as a new thing and traditional education, is bound by its unique talent cultivation mode to greatly promote the future development of society.The rapid development of science and technology in twenty-first Century, education and science and technology are inseparable, education is the foundation of science and technology and science and technology promote the development of education,Network education with multimedia and Internet based is constantly improved with rich traditional education, more and more people begin to choose remote network education to realize the continuing education and lifelong education.However, in the network technology and the understanding of the rules of network education in our country still needs further understanding and improvement.Network education education is not perfect, but can not replace traditional education, the disadvantages of this or that.This article through to some common problems existing in the network education of the present stage of our country to put forward feasible suggestions.

    Keyword:Network education,The problem,Countermeasures

    1、引言 4

    2、当前我国普通高校高校网络教育存在的主要问题 5

    2.1基础设施建设方面 5

    2.2网上教学资源质量不高 5

    2.3对网上学习过程的支持服务与监控不力 5

    2.4教师方面存在的问题 6

    2.5学生方面存在的问题 7

    3、完善我国普通高校高校网络教育的对策 8

    3.1不断提高高校网络教育基础设施建设水平 8

    3.2加强网络课程教学资源建设 8

    3.3加强高校网络教育的支持服务、质量监控以及管理制度 8

    3.4教师方面的解决策略 9

    3.5学生方面的解决策略 10

    结论 11

    参考文献 12

    致谢 13

    1 引言



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