

    In recent years, the school violence in China rise rapidly, the school violence of junior school frequently seen in the media, have caused the social concern. "School violence" prevention mechanism is lagging behind and low cost of crime, as well as the characteristics of junior school students, school "heavy wisdom light" education, but also contributed to the explosive growth of school violence. School social work will be a professional theoretical knowledge and methods involve in the process of school violence has an advantage. In this thesis, through the study of the characteristics of school violence, the purpose is to use the theory and methods of school social work, try to construct the school social work intervention in junior high school students' school violence prevention mechanism. In the guidance of small group theory, social theory, the social interaction model, set up student files, improve the prevention mechanism of campus, family environment etc.. And the establishment of the perpetrators and victims of governance mechanism to deal with the first time after the counseling, the scene.

    毕业论文关键词:初中生; 校园暴力; 学校社会工作;防治机制

    Keyword: junior school student; school violence; school social work; prevention and governance mechanism

    一、引言 4

    (一)选题的背景与意义 4

    1.选题背景 4

    2.选题意义 4

    (二)国内外研究概述 4

    1.国外研究 4

    2.国内研究 4

    (三)概念的界定 5

    1.校园暴力的概念 5

    2.学校社会工作的内涵 5

    (四)研究的方法 5

    1.文献分析法。 5

    2.个案研究。 5

    二、初中生校园暴力行为现状及原因 5

    (一)初中生校园暴力现状 5

    1.初中生校园暴力现状 5

    (二)初中生校园暴力行为产生的原因 7

    1.社会原因 7

    2.学校原因 7

    3.家庭原因 7

    4.个人原因 8

    三、初中生校园暴力的学校社会工作防治机制 8

    (一)学校社会工作理论及工作模式 8

    1.学校社会工作理论 8


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