This dissertation makes a comparative analysis on the compilation of teaching materials and the difficulty level of exercise chosen from the chapter “the Pythagorean theorem and its converse theorem” in the mathematics textbooks of California and Zhejiang. Moreover, this dissertation discusses the differences of the knowledge and shill attainment objective designing and teaching procedures and teaching content settings according to the geometry knowledge required by curriculum standard. Based on the comparative method, this study aims to make draw a conclusion of the differences and similarities between the two versions of the textbooks, propose tailored suggestions for each method to upward spiral, and emphasize it is necessary to apply theories into practice and that the design and the teaching process must be in line.
毕业论文关键词:勾股定理; 整体比较; 教材比较; 六维综合难度模型
Keyword: the Pythagorean theorem; unified comparison; China-American teaching materials comparison; comprehensive difficulty model
一、问题的提出 3
(一)研究的问题 3
(二)研究的价值 3
二、研究思路及方法 3
(一)研究问题的思路 3
(二)研究问题的方法 5
三、教材的比较 5
(一)教材整体比较 5
1.课程编排比较 5
2.知识技能目标比较 6
3.“几何思想”的观念比较 6
(二)教材具体比较——以“勾股定理及其逆定理”为例 6
1.知识呈现方式比较 6
2.教材例题练习的深度比较 7
3.教材例题练习的难度比较 9
四、结论与启示 10
(一)中美初中教材的比较结果 10
1.对比研究下的结论 10
2.定量分析的结果 10
(二)中美教材比较存在的问题 10
(三) 几点启发 11
1.“螺旋式上升”——大同小异的教材编排 11
2.理论与实践结合——课内外的拓展学习 11
3.教材与课程标准的一致与协调 11