
    摘要: 教师提问是幼儿园集体教学活动的关键所在,是实现教育目标和连接教学过程的重要途径。教师应根据教学目标,设计恰当的问题,运用适当的提问策略,以引起幼儿的注意力,促进幼儿的想象力,从而达到提高教育教学效果、促进幼儿全面发展的目标。目前教师提问的数量过多、问题的质量较低、幼儿应答机会分配不均、问与答的时间间隔太短等问题是幼儿园集体教学活动中普遍存在的现状,教师需要对这些现状分析、讨论、研究,努力找出问题的原因并寻求适宜的改进策略,保证集体教学活动的开展。 64439

    毕业论文关键词:幼儿园集体教学活动,教师提问现状, 改进策略

    Abstract:Teachers’ questions is the key to the kindergarten collective teaching activities. I-t is an important way to achieve educational goals and connect the teaching process. Te-achers should be based on the teaching objectives, designing the right questions, using appropriate questioning strategies to attract children's attention, promoting children's imagination, so as to improve teaching effect, and promoting comprehensive of early childhood development. At present, there are these problems in kindergarten collective teaching activities of the status quo. For example, the number of teacher questions is too much, the problem of quality is low, children's response opportunity is inequality, asking and answering the prob-lem such as the time interval is too short . Teachers need to analysis, discussion and research an-d try to find out the cause of the problem and seek appropriate improvement strategy, ensuring the development collective teaching activities.

    Keywords:the kindergarten collective teaching activities, teachers’ questions the status quo, improvement strategy

    1    引言 4

    2    研究方法 4

    3    幼儿园集体教学活动中教师提问现状 4

    3.1  提问的数量过多 4

    3.2  问题的质量较低 5

    3.3  幼儿应答机会分配不均 5

    3.4  问与答的间隔时间太短 6

    3.5  教师回应方式机械单一 6

    4    幼儿园集体教学活动中教师提问的改进策略 7

    4.1  问题要适时适量 7

    4.2  问题质量要提高 7

    4.3  面向全体幼儿提问 7

    4.4  待答时间安排要合理 8

    4.5 教师的回应方式要丰富 8

    结论 9

    附件 10

    参考文献 11

    1  引言


    2  研究方法


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