


    Abstract:Entering the twenty-first Century, mankind has gradually entered the era of knowledge and economy. The way of economic growth and people's life has undergone tremendous changes. The learning methods have improved constantly with the development of times. This people to master the effective learning methods, improve the efficiency of learning and requires education to change from imparting knowledge to cultivate ability and teaching methods. Therefore, it is necessary to study on the present situation of primary school students' extracurricular reading.Here are the thinking, summary and analysis of the problems and present situation of the difference extracurricular reading in different grades and different gender students,students' reading attitude in extra-curricular,students' reading habits,the effect of reading types and ways as well as students' teachers and parents on students' extracurricular reading based on the questionnaire survey to the pupils in The Primary School Attached to Huaiyin Normal University and The First Affiliated Primary School of Huaiyin Normal University and a few primary schools in Huaian city.

    Keywords:pupils, extracurricular reading, situation analysis, investigation and research


    1 研究的意义 3

    2 调查问卷的设计和调查对象的选择 3

    3 小学生课外阅读的现状与分析 3

    3.1小学生课外阅读总体现状 3

    3.2 小学生课外阅读情况在不同年级中的差异 7

    3.3 小学生课外阅读情况在不同性别中的差异 9

    3.4  家长、老师等对学生课外阅读的影响 9

    4 小学生课外阅读状况引起的思考 10

    5 启示与建议 10

    5.1 发挥学校方面对学生课外阅读的积极作用 10

    5.1.1 保证书源的丰富和图书馆制度的健全 10

    5.1.2 统筹安排,保证课外阅读时间 11

    5.1.3 教师应作为学生的榜样 11

    5.2  发挥家庭方面对学生课外阅读的积极作用 11

    5.3  发挥社会方面对学生课外阅读的积极作用 12

    结论 13

    参考文献 14

    附录 15

    1 研究的意义


  1. 上一篇:小学数学课堂导入生活情境化教学的研究
  2. 下一篇:大学文理专业学生的课外阅读现状及比较
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  3. 大学文理专业学生的课外阅读现状及比较

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  6. 小学生课外学习负担问题和对策探究

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