
    摘 要:小学生课堂注意力是指小学生在课堂上一定时间内集中地反映、关注某事物的心理活动的能力,是小学生在课堂上有意识地自觉主动地获取信息、学习知识和技能的根本手段。对于小学教师而言,小学生课堂注意力的培养显得越来越重要,它不仅关系到教师的课堂教学效果,而且也是小学生在课堂上学习知识和技能的重要影响因素,关系到学生自身的发展。课题主要分析小学生课堂注意力不集中的主要表现形式,以及影响小学生课堂注意力不集中的主要原因,在此基础上着重提出了培养小学生课堂注意力应采取的主要措施,从激发小学生课堂学习的兴趣、培养小学生良好的学习习惯、把握小学生课堂最佳学习时间、注意变换课堂内容和教学方式等方面进行详细论述。65695


    Abstract: Pupil's attention is the pupil's attention refers to the primary school students in the classroom centrally reflect within a certain time, the ability to pay attention to the psychological activity of something, a pupil in the class consciously consciously and actively basic means to obtain information, learning knowledge and skills. For primary school teachers, the cultivation of the pupil's attention is more and more important. It is not only related to the teachers' classroom teaching effect, but also for primary school students in the classroom learning plays an important role in promoting the knowledge and skills, relationship to the student's own development. 

    This paper mainly analyzes the major form of pupil's inattention, as well as the formation of the main causes of pupil's inattention, were put forward on the basis of cultivating pupil's attention is the main measures should be taken: stimulate the pupil's interest in learning, cultivating primary school students good study habits, grasp the pupil's best learning time, pay attention to transform teaching contents and teaching methods, etc.

    Keywords:classroom attention, pupil ,strategy training 

    目   录

    1  引言 4

    2  小学生课堂注意力的分析 4

    2.1  小学生注意力的特征 4

    2.2  小学生课堂注意力不集中的主要表现形式 5

    2.3 小学生课堂注意力不集中的影响因素 6

    3  依据学生心理特点培养小学生的课堂注意力 7

    3.1  维护小学生的自尊心,增强学习的自信心 7

    3.2  培养小学生的自律能力,养成良好的注意习惯 7

    3.3  注意劳逸结合,不可让学生觉得学习是一种负担 8

    3.4 把握一堂课最佳时间,集中小学生课堂注意力 8

    4  改进教学方法来培养小学生的课堂注意力 8

    4.1  运用直观教学手段,吸引学生无意注意 9

    4.2  注重教学形式多样化,激发学生学习兴趣 9

    4.3  开展小组讨论,增强群体的注意力 10

    结  论 11

    参 考 文 献 12

    致  谢 13

    1  引言

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