


    Abstract:Family is the first classroom of children, parents are the first teachers of children, family education for children's physical development and the cultivation of the growth of knowledge, intelligence, cultivate moral character, and the formation of character plays a subtle role. Through the elementary student's daily life habits and study habits of contemporary school family education are found some erroneous zone; Through the parent survey found that some parents because of the contemporary ideological and moral accomplishment is not enough, lack of science and technology culture level, understanding of educational psychology is not profound causes such as the excessive protection, excessive intervention for children, fully indulge, moral education, intellectual education, light, heavy body light is psychological, the weight light spirit, etc.This topic research found that parents can improve the ideological and moral qualities and scientific and cultural knowledge, improve parents the pedagogy and the psychology of professional knowledge, through the social, school, work together to change the parents' education concept, improve the family education to promote their healthy growth of students.

    Key word:family education ,misunderstanding,solving strategy


    1 绪论 3

    1.1 家庭教育的含义 4

    1.2 家庭教育的重要性 4

    2 家庭教育存在的误区及其产生原因 5

    2.1 当代家庭教育的一些误区 5

    2.2 分析家庭教育误区的产生原因 7

    3 转变家长对家庭教育的认识,提高学生的家庭教育质量 9

    3.1 提高家长的思想道德素养水平 9

    3.2 提高家长的科技文化知识水平 10

    3.3 提高家长对教育学、心理学的专业认识 10

    4 创建多渠道的家校沟通平台,促进小学生健康成长 10

    4.1 提高家长与孩子之间相互尊重的意识 10

    4.2 社会、家校、家长共同合作树立正确的家庭教育观 11

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    附件 15

    关于苏州工业园区唯亭地区小学生家庭教育现状的调查 15

    1 绪论


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