


    The Choice of Migrant Workers' Children`s After Compulsory Education in Shanghai QZ Junior Middle School

    Abstract:Shanghai is one of the cities with the largest number of floating population. After solving the problem of migrant workers' compulsory education in Shanghai, their after compulsory education has become increasingly prominent. Based on the observation and interview of migrant workers' children, their parents and teachers in the Shanghai QZ junior middle school students, this paper studies the choice of migrant worker's children after compulsory education. From the interview analysis, they have three choices. The first choice is to return to their original household registration to participate in the examination. They have to adapt to the new life, the new learning environment and meet the psychological adjustment after leaving the parents and other issues. Accepting secondary vocational education in Shanghai is the second choice. But they mainly faced with the competitive pressure of the examination, the basic lack of higher education and future development limitations and other issues, if they choose this choice. And the last choice is choosing to enter the labor market directly. For these migrant worker's children, they have their own competitive strength is weak, can't change their migrant worker identity, their messy career planning and other issues.

    Key word: migrant workers' children;after compulsory education;vocational education;labor market

    目  录

    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究缘起 1

    (二)文献综述 1

    (三)核心概念的界定 2

    (四)研究方案 2

    二、回原籍所在地参加中考 3

    (一)学校学习适应困难 3

    (二)心理调整速度较慢 4

    (三)难以快速融入生活 5

    三、选择在沪接受中职教育 6

    (一)入学竞争压力较大 7

    (二)基本无缘高等教育 8

    (三)未来发展的局限性 8

    四、进入劳动低端市场就业 9

    (一)自身竞争实力较弱 9

    (二)成为新一代农民工 10


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