    关键词  教育公平 农村教育  义务教育后 毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  the Research about Equity of Post-Compulsory Education  in Rural Areas
    At present, with the increasing demands for education equity, the government and scholars pay more and more attention to promotion of education equity. As education equity is an important part of social equity, solving the problem of education equity has positive effect on stability and prosperity of the whole society. In China, rural population accounts for the majority of the country's population, and the issues of education equity in rural areas shouldn't be ignored. This paper is about the equity of post-compulsory education in rural areas. I sort out concepts and theories of equity about post-compulsory education through relevant literature review. On the basis of it, related information is collected, and through processing and analyzing information, I find there are many problems of post-compulsory education equity in rural areas: education resource scarcity, poor quality of education, gender inequality, fewer opportunities for admission and so on. Further analysis of the inequity roots is made on the base of issue analysis. Finally, according to the actual situation in China, drawing on the excellent experience of others, combined with the theories, I try to find out general recommendations to alleviate the unfairness problem of the post-compulsory education of rural population.

    Keywords  education equity  rural education  post-compulsory education  
    1  引言    1
    1.1  问题的提出    1
    1.2  研究现状和分析    1
    1.3  研究的思路和方法    2
    2  义务教育后教育公平概念和理论的阐述    3
    2.1  相关概念界定    3
    2.1.1  什么是教育    3
    2.1.2  什么是义务教育    3
    2.1.3  什么是义务教育后教育    4
    2.2  相关理论基础    5
    2.2.1  教育公平理论    5
    2.2.2  教育生态理论    7
    3.  农民子女义务教育后教育公平的困境    9
    3.1  农民子女义务教育后教育不公平现状与问题    9
    3.1.1  高中入学机会不均等    10
    3.2.2   高等教育入学机会不均等    10
    3.2  导致农民子女义务教育后教育不公平的原因    10
    3.2.1  经济差距导致农民子女义务教育后教育不公平    10
    3.2.2  不合理的教育制度和教育政策    10
    3.2.3 文化环境和社会环境中的不合理因素    10
    4  改善农民子女义务教育后不公平的对策和建议    10
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