    摘  要 自从新世纪以来,农业改革快速发展,现代农业蓬勃兴起。但在发展过程中,我国农业融资面临着渠道少、成本高、风险大、效率低,体制不完善等等问题,农业融资模式亟需加快创新步伐。随着“互联网+”时代的到来,互联网金融发展迅速,与供应链金融的结合日益密切,二者融合发展出互联网金融供应链金融模式,这为解决我国农业的融资问题提供了一种新的创新途径。因此,本文着力于研究互联网时代背景下供应链金融与现代农业生产相融合的创新模式。本文通过对供应链金融原理的研究和我国农业融资现状的了解,分析互联网供应链金融模式的流程与特点,结合农业发展特点,提出符合现代农业融资的互联网供应链金融创新模式。4701

    关键词:互联网+; 现代农业; 融资模式; 供应链金融
    Agriculture is the foundation of a country, and our country is a big agricultural country. The construction of the new socialist countryside is a historical task in the process of China's modernization.Since twenty-first Century, the rapid development of agricultural reform, the mode of agricultural development and innovation, the rise of modern agriculture.But in the process of development, China's agricultural financing is faced with less channels, high cost, high risk, low efficiency, the system is not perfect and so on.With the advent of the Internet + era, the rapid development of Internet banking, the combination of Internet and supply chain finance is increasingly close, which provides a new way to solve the financing problem of agriculture in our country. Therefore, this paper focuses on the study of the Internet era in the context of supply chain finance and modern agricultural production, the integration of innovative models. Through research of supply chain finance principle and China agricultural financing situation of understanding, analysis of the process and features of the Internet model of supply chain finance, combined with the characteristics of agricultural development, put forward in line with the development of modern agricultural supply chain model of financial innovation.

    Key words:Internet plus; modern agriculture; financing pattern; supply chain finance
    目    录
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    一、绪论    1
    ㈠ 研究的背景与意义    1
    ㈡ 国内文献综述    1
    二、供应链金融理论概述    2
    ㈠ 供应链金融的内涵与特征    2
    ㈡ 供应链金融与传统的物流金融的关系辨析    3
    三、我国现代农业与供应链金融的关系    5
    ㈠ 我国农业融资发展现状与问题    5
    ㈡解决我国现代农业融资问题的新途径:供应链金融    6
    四、互联网视角下的供应链金融模式    6
    ㈠ 互联网金融与供应链金融的融合发展    6
    ㈡ 互联网供应链金融模式    7
    ㈢ 互联网供应链金融模式的未来发展趋势    10
    五、互联网供应链金融模式与现代农业的融合创新    10
    ㈠ 核心农业企业与 P2P 平台共同合作的保理融资模式    10
    ㈡ 核心企业自己打造互联网金融生态圈的供应链金融模式    11
    751、结论    12
    参考文献    14
    致    谢    15
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