

    毕业论文关键词  越南,河内农业发展银行,信用风险

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Research on credit risk management in Ha Noi Bank for  Agricultural development


    After reforming and opening period, Vietnam commercial Banks have developed significantly, which has contributed hugely to the process of country’s industrialization and modernization. It is clear that The expansion of commercial banks has lead to a constant increase of credit operations. However, The growth of credit operations brings banks not only profitable but also many potential risks; therefore, It is neccesary and important for Vietnam commercial Banks to improve the risk management system in banking credit operations. In my thesis, I selected Hanoi Bank for Agricultural development as an object to research about problems of credit risk management. Firstly, the thesis summaries and classifies related studies. Secondly, it introduces aspects of credit risks in commercial banks; next, the third part focuses on analysing the status of credit risk management and the existing problems in Hanoi Bank for Agricultural development. Finally, it gives recommendations to improve the management of credit risk from 6 aspects, such as capacity building risk assessment, and so on... in Hanoi Bank for Agricultural development.

    Keywords  Viet Nam, Ha Noi Bank for Agricultural development, credit risk


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 文献综述 1

    1.3 研究方法和手段 3

    1.4 论文结构 4

    2 商业银行信用风险概述 5

    2.1 商业银行信用风险概念 5

    2.2 商业银行信用风险特点 5

    2.2.1 信用风险概率分布的不对称性 5

    2.2.2 信用风险的非系统性 6

    2.2.3 信用风险的观察数据少且不易获取 6

    2.3.4 道德风险在信用风险的形成中起重要的作用 6

    2.3 商业银行信用风险的影响 6

    2.3.1 对银行的影响 6

    2.3.2 对经济体系的影响 7

    2.4 商业银行信用风险来源 7

    2.4.1 从银行内部分析 7

    2.4.2 从银行外部分析 8

    3 越南河内农业发展银行信用风险管理现状及存在的问题

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