

    毕业论文关键词 外汇管制 ;政策效果;博弈模型

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title:  Vietnam's foreign exchange market control and policy effects


    Foreign exchange control is that a government put on end the imposition of restrictive measures on foreign exchange flows,enacts a variety of policies and regulations in accordance with the law of the country for the balance of international payments and maintaining of the natinonal currency exchange rate.Vietnam's exchange control history has been so far as nearly seventy years,from the past decade up to now,Vietnam's Foreign exchange feature is the relaxation which dealed with foreign exchage shortage and trade deficits.But after a few years of deregulation,Vietnam is facing with many problems such as so high inflation,instable exchange rate and dollarized economy,ect.In this thesis,Vietnam's foreign exchange control policy effects were analyzed by using the game model and found that the Vietnam's foreign exchange control in the current situation is still not flexible enough,still needs further adjustment and improvement.

    Keywords foreign exchange control ; policy effects ; game model


    1 引言 1

    2文献综述 1

    2.1 外汇管制相关理论 1

    2.1.1 外汇管制概念 1

    2.1.2 外汇管制产生与演变 1

    2.2 越南金融改革及外汇管制面临的困难 3

    2.3 中国外汇管制的经验 5

    2.4 小结 7

    3 越南外汇市场与管制现状 7

    3.1 越南外汇市场的诞生及发展 7

    3.2 越南央行的外汇交易活动 8

    3.2.1 在国内外汇市场 8

    3.2.2在国际外汇市场 9

    3.3 越南央行的外汇管制 9

    3.3.1 利率政策和信贷机制 9

    3.3.2 汇率政策 11

    3.3.3 外汇存款准备金 12

    3.3.4 结汇政策 14

    3.3.5 外汇状态 15

    3.3.6 境外汇款政策 16

    3.3.7 违反外汇管制行为的处罚 17

    3.4 本章小结 19

    4 越南外汇管制政策效果 19

    4.1 博弈模型 19

    4.1.1 外汇管制政策相关各利益主体 19

    4.1.2 行动 19

    4.1.3 收益 20

    4.2 博弈均衡

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