


    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Vietnam’s development status of consumer credit and countermeasures


    In recent years, due to the continuous improvement of living standards and consumption quality, make consumer credit demand also increases accordingly. In Vietnam, the commercial bank is the main provider of consumer credit, so the personal consumption credit business of commercial Banks in recent years has been rapid development, but in Vietnam's personal consumption credit business of commercial Banks still need further perfect in many ways. Vietnam a single, traditional commercial Banks personal consumer credit services in recent years in the development of already can't meet the needs of customers. Together with some microfinance Banks into, make personal consumption credit market more competitive. Therefore, in the fierce market competition how to find the target market, so as to formulate correct development countermeasure, make personal consumption credit to get long-term development is Vietnam commercial Banks at present urgently solve the problem. 

    Key words: personal consumption credit; Credit services; Development countermeasures 

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  研究思路与内容 1

    2  个人消费信贷相关理论概述 2

    2.1  个人消费信贷的概念 2

    2.2  个人消费信贷的种类 2

    2.3  个人消费信贷的特点 3

    2.4  个人消费信贷的作用 3

    3  越南个人消费信贷的发展现状 5

    3.1  个人消费信贷业务的发展历程和总体规模 5

    3.2  个人消费信贷业务的种类和结构 6

    3.3  个人消费信贷业务的市场特点 8

    4  越南个人消费信贷发展中存在的问题 8

    4.1  个人信贷机构体系不健全 8

    4.2  个人消费信贷法律法规不完善,立法滞后 9

    4.3  商业银行信贷管理机制不够严格 10

    5  越南个人消费信贷的发展对策 10

    5.1  诚信建设是基础 10

    5.2  健全个人消费信贷的法律法规 12

    5.3  完善商业银行个人消费信贷制度和监管体系 12

    5.4  进一步完善消费信贷的担保制度

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