

    毕业论文关键词 越南;工商银行;信用风险;风险管理;对策

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title      The Research on Credit Risk Management in Vietnam Industrial and Commercial Bank  



    Since Vietnam's economic reform and opening up, especially since Vietnam joined the World Trade Organization in 2007, the Commercial Bank of Vietnam developed rapidly. There is now a total of five state-owned commercial banks, 37 joint-stock commercial banks, five joint-venture commercial banks, five wholly foreign-owned banks, 48 foreign bank branches. Vietnam Commercial Bank, the expansion of credit business is constantly expanding. Expansion of bank credit will give the banks more profitable, but with the same potential risks. This article mainly researches the Industrial and Commercial Bank of Vietnam. This paper mainly research Vietnam Industrial and Commercial Bank, we found that the indicators are good; the credit risk situation is good. But, there were several problems: risk identification problem, credit policy and credit regulation. Finally, give some recommendations: enhance the risk recognition ability, develop human resources, and establish appropriate risk management process.

    Keywords :Vietnam; Industrial and Commercial Bank; credit risk; risk management countermeasures


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  选题背景和现实意义 1

    1.2  研究方法和思路 1

    1.3  创新和不足 2

    2  基本理论和研究现状 2

    2.1  信用风险及信用风险管理的概念及特点 2

    2.2  有关信用风险和管理的相关研究述评 4

    3  越南工商银行信用风险现状及其成因分析 7

    3.1  越南工商银行信用风险状况 7

    3.2  越南工商银行信用风险成因分析 11

    4  越南工商银行信用风险管理现状及存在问题 13

    4.1  越南工商银行信用风险管理现状 13

    4.2   越南工商银行信用风险管理存在的问题 15

    5  越南工商银行信用风险管理的对策与建议 16

    5.1  提高风险识别能力 17

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