

    毕业论文关键词 越南 证券市场 走势 对策

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title     Research  of  Vietnam’s  stock  market  price  trend                


    Vietnam and China are socialist countries, the national conditions and cultural are similar, are walking in the development of an innovative open road. As one of the very few samples of the socialist countries, which implement market-oriented economic reforms, Vietnam accumulated a lot of experience in this process, but also revealed many problems. And a securities market is closely related to the development of economic development. Based on this, this paper research the Vietnam securities market, first, analysis the status of the securities market development in Vietnam, then analysis the Vietnamese securities market prices. The analysis shows that the domestic economic situation in Vietnam Vietnam's economy is facing opportunities while also facing challenges on the basis of analysis of the domestic economic situation, this paper attempts to analysis the Vietnamese securities prices. The analysis shows that there is a significant positive correlation between GDP growth in Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Index, and finally put forward countermeasures and suggestions to improve Vietnam's securities market.

    Keywords  Vietnam  stock market  trend  measures   


    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  主要研究内容 1

    国内外研究综述 2

    2.1  宏观经济影响因素研究 2

    2.2  公司因素影响研究 2

    3  越南证券市场发展现状分析 3

    3.1  越南证券市场的发展进程 3

    3.2  越南证券市场的发展规模 4

    3.3  越南证券市场的结构 5

    3.4  越南证券市场发展的特点 6

    4  越南证券市场价格走势分析 7

    4.1  越南胡志明指数变动情况 7

    4.2  越南胡志明指数变动与基本经济走势相关性分析 9

    4.3  小结 14

    5  完善越南证券市场的对策与建议 15

    5.1  提高上市公司质量 15

    5.2  加快市场体系建设和市场规范化进程 15

    5.3  培育成熟的机构投资者

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