

    毕业论文关键词  中国 越南 金融机构 银行体制 银行管理 

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Comparative study on the Management of financial  Institutions in China and Vietnam          


    Both China and Vietnam are socialist countries. They have an profound trade and exchange history and similar cultural and economic background with each other. China and Vietnam started economic reforms respectively in 1978 and 1986 and remarkable achievements are both made in these two countries. However, despite their  background and characteristics of reforms are broadly similar, there are big differences between the management of financial institutions of the two countries. Therefore, firstly this paper analyzes the differences of present situations,the management of financial institutions and financial institutions market access of China and Vietnam from three aspects i.e. business model and  supervision. Then this paper respectively introduces the reform processes of banking system and status of the banking management in China and Vietnam from the view of banking financial institutions .On the basis of analysis above, this paper analyzes the differences of banking management between these two countries and at last, reasonable countermeasures and suggestions for Vietnam’s management of banking financial are proposed in this paper.

    Keywords  China Vietnam Management of financial institutions Banking system Banking management 

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  相关概念 2

    1.3  论文框架结构 2

    2  中国和越南的金融机构管理现状比较 3

    2.1  金融机构经营模式 3

    2.1.1  中国的经营模式 3

    2.1.2  越南的经营模式 3

    2.1.3  两国经营模式的异同 4

    2.2  金融机构的监管 4

    2.2.1  中国金融机构的监管 4

    2.2.2  越南金融机构的监管 5

    2.2.3  两国金融机构监管异同 5

    2.3  金融机构市场准入 6

    2.3.1  中国金融机构准入条件 6

    2.3.2  越南金融机构准入条件 7

    2.3.3  两国金融机构准入条件异同 8

    2.4  银行类金融机构 8

    2.4.1  中国的银行类金融机构 8

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