    Undergraduate Shopping Online Behavior's Explosion and Analysis
             ——Take Zhoukou Normal University for example
        Abstract:With the soviety economy developing fast and e-commerce popularizing rapidly.The appearance of shopping online has been very general.The university men’s become the shopping online’s mainforce because the university men’s feature of taking in new things quickly and they are familiar with computer technology.This text analysises on shopping online combine with undergrachite group. We can defines of the definition of shopping online at first.and then we analysis the current situation of shopping online.Such as the problems in the market on shopping online is becoming more and more drastic and the transaction money have been increasing.And then,we can make the statistic analysis the undergraduate’s shopping online’s data stastistics combiaing with questionaire enphatially and clear up stastics results reaching the characteristics of the undergraduates’ shopping online.Finally,we table the countermeasure of undergraduates’ shopping online,such as schoole strengthens guide,family reinforces supervision,inpidual strengthens self-discripline and so on.
    Key words:Shopping Online;College Students;Zhoukou Normal University
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、网络购物概述    1
    (一)网络购物的定义    1
    (二)网络购物的现状    2
    二、周口师范学院大学生网络购物数据统计分析    2
    (一)大学生网络购物基本情况分析    3
    (二)大学生网络购物行为分析    3
    (三)大学生网络购物态度分析    5
    三、周口师范学院大学生网络购物特点分析    6
    (一)网络购物热情有余理性不足    6
    (二)网络购物商品中生活用品多于学习用品    6
    (三)文权意识较强    7
    四、正确引导大学生网络购物对策分析    8
    (一)学校引导大学生树立正确的消费观    8
    (二)家庭中父母监督控制其消费    8
    (三)大学生注重培养理财意识与自律能力    9
    参考文献    10
    附录:《周口师范学院大学生网购现状调查问卷》    11
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