    摘要: 随着通信技术﹑网络技术的日益发展及普遍应用,给贸易活动方式带来了显著的改变,国际贸易网络化的趋势日渐明显。这导致国际贸易运作方式产生巨大变化,通过国际互联网进行国际贸易已成为各国的追求方向,并且将成为21世纪主导型的贸易方式。新的国际贸易形式中发展的最为迅猛的是电子商务和网络贸易。但同时,基于互联网贸易也有其缺陷和屏障。我国作为最大的发展中国家,如何采取积极的对策,认识与解决我国在国际贸易网络过程中的网络安全技术,综合型人才缺失等问题,使我国能在激烈的国际竞争中获得更大的经济利益,已成为重中之重。在此背景下,本文在对当前全球经济发展形势下,通过国际贸易网络化发展中涉及到的关键因素及现状进行分析总结,在对国际贸易创新方式,进行阐述的基础上,分析国际贸易创新方式对我国经济的重大影响,提出如何利用网络化的国际贸易推动我国经济发展对策。23696
    Innovations and alternatives of International trade under the network environment
    Abstract: The increasing development and universal application of communication technologies, network technologies, brought significant changes to the way of trading activities, trends in international trade network growing. This led to huge changes in the way of international trade operation. Make international trade through the Internet has become pursuit of many nations, and it would be a 21st century-oriented way of trade. The E-commerce and Internet trade are new forms of international trade which growing fast recently. But at the same time, it also has its disadvantages and barriers based. As the largest developing country, China has to know how to take positive attitude to understand and solve the problem such as world-wide network of network security technology in the process and lack of comprehensive talents. So that we can gain the greater economic benefits in the fierce international competition, has become a top priority. In this context, we will analysis and summarize the critical factors and current situation which involved in development of international trade network on the economic globalization in this article. Based on elaborating the innovative ways of international trade.
    We will also analysis the significant impact leading by the innovative means on China's economy, to raise the suggestion how to utilize network of international trade to promote China's economic development.
    Key Words: International trade; Networked; cybersecurity; countermeasures
    目  录
    前言    2
    一、网络发展对国际贸易的影响    3
    (一)降低交易成本,提高贸易效率    3
    1、改变了国际贸易洽谈手段    3
    2、减少了国际贸易的单据制作    3
    (二)促进国际贸易营销模式的变化    3
    (三)促进新型国际贸易方式的产生    4
    二、网络贸易新方式-跨境电子商务在中国的发展    5
    (一)跨境电商的市场优势    5
    (二)贸易在电商领域的新发展阶段:上海自贸区和“跨境通”平台    5
    三、我国国际贸易网络化存在的问题及其原因分析    8
    (一)网络环境下国际贸易的基础设施建设不完备    8
    (二)网络环境下我国企业的信息化程度不高    8
    (三)网络环境下国际贸易法律体系尚不健全    8
    (四)网络环境下国际贸易的信用问题    8
    (五)网络环境下国际贸易的税收问题    8
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