    毕业论文关键词:进口车 抵押融资 全球价值链 产业结构协调化 国际产业分工
    In late twentieth Century, the global economy appears new characteristics, with the convergence and information technology revolution provides a system and technical innovation to the specialization of labor, so the international pision of labor has evolved into the global value chain specialization. This requires that all countries make full use of its comparative advantages to assume different production aspects, China must develop our own advantages, agglomeration and cultivate high-level production elements, a dynamic competitive advantage, to improve the global value chains specialization status, so as to improve the industrial structure of China, realizing the sustainable development of economy. to improve its position in the value chain to achieve harmonization adjustment and promote the rapid development of China’s economy.
       With the rapid development of China's automobile production and consumption market, auto financial market has become China's financial market of a new land, the generation of an auto financing company, "shang tong" mode, car certificate pledge financing product appear constantly. Assurance as a branch of the financial services industry, should seize the opportunity, as soon as possible into the automobile financial markets, expand the scope of business. In China, automobile financial meaning is almost all automobile consumer credit. But in foreign countries, automobile consumption credit is but the tip of the iceberg for auto financing. Auto financing is not only solve the problem of consumer finance, it is to solve the whole production, circulation and consumption of capital operation, in the development of auto financial products, risk control has the advantage of the professional. Form or the introduction of an auto financing company, in solving the dealer service efficiency of funds of capital turnover, for the sustainable development of the automobile import trade will play a limited role.The author in the mortgage finance imported cars in China through the on-the-spot investigation.
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