Case study of Bright Food Group failing M&A French Yoplait
Abstract:With the development of economic globalization, Cross border M & A plays an important role in the process of trade globalization. Cross border M & A has become the main way for Chinese enterprises to invest abroad, but generally speaking, the experience of Chinese enterprises is still shallow and inexperienced,so they need to sum up lessons in time. This paper analyzes the case of Bright Food Group failing M&A French Yoplait from the influence factors of enterprise success or failure cause analysis of both mergers and acquisitions,analysing the motivation of M&A, compared the winner General Mills, digging up the root cause failure of the Bright Food from the macro and micro level, and with the help of international marketing theory, the failure can be rational. At last, this paper puts forward the reasonable countermeasures to provide theoretical support for cross-border M & A of enterprises.
Key words: Cross border mergers and acquisitions;M&A motivation;factors;case study;enlightenment
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
引言 1
一、 文献综述与理论分析 2
(一)并购理论研究 2
(二)影响并购因素研究 2
(三)跨国并购案例研究 2
(四)存在的问题 2
二、影响并购的因素研究 3
(一)宏观方面 3
1.政治因素 3
(1)宏观政治因素 3
(2)微观政治因素 3
2.经济因素 4
3.文化因素 4
4.法律因素 4
(二)中观方面 4
1.与被并购行业的相关度 4
2.市场竞争程度 4
(三)微观方面 5
1.双方企业的战略目标与资产 5
2.目标企业因素 5
3.并购企业因素 5
三、并购进程及结果 5
(一)并购方光明集团简介 5
(二)被并购方法国优诺简介 5
(三)光明集团经营状况 5
1.市场份额 5
2.与通用磨坊财务对比 6
(四)并购进程 8
(五)并购结果 8
四、并购动因分析 8
(一)获取经营协同效应 8
(二)获取管理协同效应 9
(三)获取财务协同效应 9
(四)代理成本动因 9
五、并购失败原因分析 9
(一)宏观层面国家因素 9
1.政治因素 9
2.经济因素 10
3.文化因素 10
- 上一篇:粉丝经济对大学生购买小米手机行为影响的分析
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