


    毕业论文关键词  积极型投资组合;市场有效;选择方法

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   Active portfolio selection Method and Its Application                                       

    Abstract Aggressive portfolio management theory from Grinold. With investment slowly and mature,the rise of it active investors in the United States, Europe and other developed countries, financial market practice has been widely used, quantitative investment of institutional investors to become an important tool. Aggressive Portfolio Management portfolio assets by adjusting the weights and the weights of the benchmark portfolio assets bias, so that the market portfolio return over the benchmark index returns. Market did not always, everywhere effectively make aggressive investment management still a major market share.

    Based on the positive type of portfolio theory study on the common enthusiasm portfolio selection method, and studied the aggressive investment portfolio in the stock market and the application of aggressive investment portfolio in the Chinese stock market performance in practice.

    Keywords  active portfolio;efficient market;selection method

    1  引言 1

    1.1  选题背景 1

    1.2  研究意义 1

    1.3  研究思路和研究方法 2

    1.3.1  研究思路 2

    1.3.2  研究方法 2

    2  积极型投资组合的选择方法 3

    2.1  积极型投资组合的含义 3

    2.2  积极型投资组合建立的战略思想 3

    2.3  积极型投资组合主要的选择方法 4

    2.3.1  积极型投资组合基本定律 4

    2.3.2  市场资产选择 5

    2.3.3  市场时机选择 6

    2.3.4  组合运行过程的适时管理 7

    3  积极型投资组合投资策略 8

    3.1  投资组合建立 9

    3.2  投资组合最优化 9

    4  积极型投资组合管理的应用实例 10

    4.1  数据选取 10

    4.2  应用实例分析 10

    结论 14

    致谢 15

    参考文献 16

    1  引言

    1.1  选题背景


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