毕业论文关键词:连云港 民间借贷 存在问题 解决对策
The Study on Private Lending in Lianyungang
Abstract:Since 2005, private lending in Lianyungang has been developing rapidly, having a positive influence on the economic growth of the region. According to investigations, private lending activities in Lianyungang greatly support the middle and small-sized enterprises in Jiangsu province and promote the industrial structure optimization as well as the healthy and rapid economic development of the region. However, at the same time, private lending also leads to a series of problems. Lots of private capitals are not under the supervision system, and has thus brought huge risks. This not only increases the instability of social economy and financial risks but also affects the implementation effect of our country’s macro-control policy.
The suggestions proposed in this dissertation to solve the private lending problems in Lianyungang are based on the analysis of the current situation of private lending in this region. Besides, this dissertation combines the researches of other scholars on the existing problems in private lending market of our country, provides solutions for these problems, and seeks for direction for the financial reform of private lending in Lianyungang and even in the whole country. To be specific, the dissertation first analyzes the characteristics of private lending in Lianyungang and its existing problems, then further looks deeply into the causes of these problems and accordingly puts forwards several suggestions for the solution of the private lending problems in Lianyungang.
Key Words: Lianyungang, private lending, existing problems, solutions
一、引言 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
(二)国内外相关研究文献综述 1
(三)主要框架安排 3
二、民间借贷的理论分析 3
(一)民间借贷的基本概念界定 3
(二)民间借贷研究的理论基础 3
(三)民间借贷与正规借贷的关系 4
三、连云港地区民间借贷调查分析 5
(一)数据来源 5
(二)连云港地区民间借贷特征 5
(三)连云港地区民间借贷存在的问题 7
四、连云港民间借贷存在问题的原因 9
(一)金融监管的力度不够 9
(二)金融活动参与主体法律意识淡薄 10
(三)市场准入、准出缺陷 10
五、民间借贷问题的解决对策 10
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