

    毕业论文关键词  民间借贷利率  温州模式  影响因素  规范  对策建议

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Study on Influence Factors of folk loan interest rates -- Taking Wenzhou as an example                                                  


    The folk loan interest rates reflect the active degree of the social surplus and deficiency of funds and private investment, with the unceasing progress of the marketization of interest rate, it has become one of the important basis for macroeconomic control of the central bank. Wenzhou folk lending activity has been very active,as it is difficult to obtain legal support of loans from financial institutions for private enterprises in Wenzhou, the development of private lending market will undoubtedly bring out. A large number of Wenzhou private enterprises rely on private lending for the production and business operation activities, relying on its own strength to complete the "reforming", and created the famous Wenzhou model. Therefore, the research of Wenzhou folk lending rates has also become very important. Through observation, we find that Wenzhou folk interest rate from the original has been maintained at a high level,but in recent years it starts to change, having been in decline. The reason causing this change is worth exploring. Based on the literature reference and the analysis of folk lending activities in the Wenzhou area, the basic characteristics and the interest rate situation, we explore the influencing factors of private lending rates and make sure of the suggestions on how to reasonably determine the folk lending rates and propose the specification of borrowing behavior.

    Keywords  the folk lending interest rate  Wenzhou folk lending model  influencing factor  specification  Countermeasures

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    2  文献综述2

    3  温州民间借贷利率的概述6

    4  温州民间借贷利率的影响因素理论分析8

    4.1 正规金融信贷对民间借贷利率的影响8

    4.2 供给成本对民间借贷利率的影响9 

    4.3 需求特征对民间借贷利率的影响10

    4.4 民间借贷的期限对利率的影响11

    4.5 市场竞争状况对民间借贷利率的影响11

    5  温州民间借贷利率的影响因素实证分析13

    6  推进温州民间借贷利率规范化的建议19

    结论 21

    致谢 22


    1  引言

    作为民营经济的重要组成部分, 温州的民间借贷活动到现在越来越受到政府的重视。然而,由于它是非正规的活动,缺乏相应的正规管理机制,导致它很容易出现危机。近年来温州出现的民间借贷危机就说明了这个问题。其中高利率是一个主要因素。由于价值观和所观测的角度的不同所造成的差异还有判断其高低的标准有分歧等等原因,民间借贷利率高低这个问题所受到的讨论与争议也越来越大。那么,影响民间借贷利率的主要因素有哪些就值得研究了。本文主要是通过对近年来温州民间借贷利率水平的变化情况进行分析结合对利率的变化产生影响的那些因素与利率之间的关系来探究民间借贷利率的决定性因素及其产生的效果,并且为规范民间借贷活动,促进其良好健康发展提出相关可行性的对策与建议。

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