    Impact of roble devaluation on the trade between China and Russia
    Abstract: Along with the accelerating of the globalization process, the exchange rate as the currencies on the foreign exchange market exchange value, the growing importance of the stability of the exchange rate or changes, not only reflect the operation condition of the national economy, but also affect other countries, particularly with its economy closely related to the development of national economy. On December 15, 2014, the dollar against the ruble, the historic breakthrough in the 60 mark, the ruble suffered the biggest one-day fall since 1998.At the same time, China to Russia trade increasingly frequent, China and Russia trade grow by 6.8% in 2014, reached a record $95.28 billion. Thus, people pay more and more attention on impact of roble devaluation on the trade between China and Russia. In this paper, starting from the history of China and Russia, by focusing on the ruble exchange rate changes, to understand the current situation of China and Russia trade, in-depth study of the specific reason for the ruble devaluation. Understand exchange rate changes affecting a country's import and export trade theory, study the ruble devaluation on Russia for China import and export trade, service trade between China and Russia, and the impact of currency swap agreement between China 
    and Russia. Set in the ruble devaluation against the background of promoting the development of China to Russia trade strategy, in order to achieve even greater interest in the trade between China and Russia.
    Keywords: ruble; devaluation; exchange rates; trade; China; Russia; strategy
     目 录
    引 言    1
    一、 中俄贸易现状    2
    (一) 经贸关系不断深化    2
    (二) 贸易额不断上升    2
    (三) 经贸合作领域不断的拓展    3
    (四) 合资企业发展良好    3
    二、 卢布现状    4
    (一) 卢布贬值现状    4
    (二) 卢布贬值原因    5
    1、 俄经济增长明显放缓    5
    2、 为保银行流动性大举收购外汇    5
    3、 俄央行无意支持卢布    5
    4、 乌克兰危机加剧了市场风险    5
    5、 石油的价格大跌    5
    三、 汇率变动对国际贸易影响的理论分析    7
    (一) 购买力平价理论    7
    (二) 汇率变动对国际贸易的影响分析    7
    四、 卢布贬值对中俄贸易影响    9
    (一) 卢布贬值对出口俄罗斯贸易影响    9
    1、 对俄出口大宗商品贸易额呈现下降趋势    9
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