    毕业论文关键词: 众筹  融资 现状  瓶颈 前景    
    The present situation and prospects of development of the congregation to raise financing mode in the network Chinese
    Abstract: At present, China is in the economic transition period, the structural adjustment is in a rising stage, to achieve a steady growth, promote reform, structural adjustment, Pratt & Whitney livelihood important goal, we must solve the enterprises, especially small micro enterprise financing cost higher problem. As the effective way to solve this problem, the public network financing mode has immeasurable research value.. This paper intends to raise the herd of origin, classification and cases of through analysis of all the chips in China's development present situation and the bottlenecks encountered. In the proposed rationalization proposals on my Guozhong raise the prospects for the development of the financing mode of the network is put forward.
    Key words:  crowdfunding  financing  present situation  bottleneck  prospect
    引言    4
    1众筹融资的起源、模式、流程和特点    5
    1.1众筹融资的起源    5
    1.2众筹融资的模式分类    5
    1.2.1债权众筹    6
    1.2.2股权众筹    6
    1.2.3奖励众筹    6
    1.2.4捐赠众筹    7
    1.3众筹融资模式的特点    7
    1.3.1降低投融资门槛    7
    1.3.2降低信息传播成本,兼得良好宣传效果    7
    1.3.3满足个性化需求    8
    1.3.4鼓励创新    8
    1.4众筹融资的商业模式运作流程    8
    2、众筹网络融资模式在中国的发展状况    11
    2.1以实际案例看四大模式发展的状况    11
    2.1.1 以“‘今度烘焙’”加盟店”为例的债权众筹    11
    2.1.2 以“大姨吗”为例的股权众筹    12
    2.1.3 以“亿元果饮”为例的奖励众筹    12
    2.1.4 以“随‘益’而动”为例的捐赠众筹    13
    2.2以实际数据看众筹融资模式在我国的发展状况    14
    2.2.1我国正常运营的众筹平台及其地区分布    14
    2.2.2众筹募资规模不断增大    15
    2.2.3各类项目众筹规模占比不均    16
    2.2.4各大众筹平台的融资金额占比失衡    17
    2.2.5我国民众对众筹的认可度较低    18
    3众筹网络融资模式在中国的发展瓶颈    20
    3.1法律的缺乏和监管的缺失    20
    3.2平台管理经验不足    20
    3.3网络安全存在隐患    21
    3.4公众接受度较低    21
    4对众筹网络融资模式的发展建议    22
    4.1健全法律和监管体系    22
    4.2加强平台管理的学习    22
    4.3提高网络技术水平    22
    4.4推广众筹相关知识    23
    5瞻望众筹网络融资模式在中国的发展趋势    24
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